Looking at Lin Xi, who always talks less, once sent such a long message, Bai Jinse's mood suddenly became extremely complicated.

She was silent for a moment, and told Lin Xi the cause and process of today's quarrel. After these words were sent to Lin Xi, she felt relieved, as if someone had helped her share this emotion. In other words, she seemed to find an outlet to vent.

[Bai Jinse: you said that the situation was so dangerous at that time. Can I ignore my mother? He was angry that I concealed him, I can understand, but I can't accept that she was angry because I saved my mother, and divided my mother into irrelevant people. She is my mother, who gave me life and searched for me for so many years. How can I watch her have an accident! 】

[Lin Xi: Needless to say, I basically understand! Jinse, to tell you the truth, I think you are too dead hearted. If you think about it carefully, is the original intention of Mo Sinian's anger because you hide it, or don't want you to get hurt because of others? We don't care who this other person is. The reason why he said this is to prevent such things from happening in the future. He's just worried about you, but what you always worry about is him I won't let you block that for your mother! If that is not an ashtray, but a knife, do you also want to block it! I feel this is the most angry place in the year of Mo Si! 】But that's my mother! 】

[Lin Xi: I know it's your mother. If it's me, can you ignore your personality! 】

[Bai Jinse: it seems not! 】

[Lin Xi: it's not like I won't, but I'm sure I won't. Jinse, I know you so well. You never want to fail those who are sincere to you! In fact, sometimes you have to be selfish. Have you ever thought that the reason why Mo Sinian is so angry is that if something happens to you, he will go crazy! It's not that I speak for Mo Sinian, but you don't know how he survived after your accident! 】

when Bai Jinse saw the news from Lin Xi, her heart was in a mess.

[Bai Jinse: listen to you, I seem to understand the reason why he is angry! 】

[Lin Xi: it's good to understand. In addition, sometimes people's upper teeth and lower teeth have a knock. What's more, people get along with each other, especially when they quarrel with each other. Sometimes in anger, they quarrel with each other and forget their original intention! 】

[Bai Jinse: Needless to say, I understand. I'll go to Mo Sinian to make peace with him and apologize to him! 】

[Lin Xi: Well, you can go. You two are OK. Don't hurt your feelings for such a small thing! 】

[Bai Jinse: no! 】

Bai Jinse took a deep breath and went out with his mobile phone.

She just opened the door, saw Du Yanran with a bowl of soup, standing at the door, is about to knock.

White Jin se Mou son Shan Shan Shan: "Mom, you this is?"

Du Yanran said: "I see you are in a bad mood, do not want to eat, just think, you first drink soup pad stomach!"

Bai Jinse immediately felt warm in her heart: "well, thank you, mom!"

Du Yan Ran laughed: "silly child, say what to thank with me!"

Du Yanran said, smile slightly convergence, some worried to see a white Jin se: "you with four years quarrel?"

White Jin se a Zheng, silent for a while, carrying the soup in the hand, the facial expression is a little complicated: "is mixed two mouth!"

Du Yanran sighed: "Jinse, mom, it's really good for you. You have to learn to be tolerant and tolerant. When you get along with each other, one person has to learn to bow his head. But I think what's the matter with you is that you have been coaxed more times in the past four years. It's not good. Sometimes, the person who bows his head first doesn't lose People just care about it. They can't let each other chase you all the time. Occasionally, you have to learn how to give in and respond. You should think about what your mother said carefully. Don't worry about things. Do you know? "

White Jin se blows Mou son, the eye is a little red: "en, I know, I go to him now!"

Du Yanran laughed: "drink the soup, mother is to see the temperature is almost, just brought over!"

Bai Jinse nodded, finished the soup, handed the bowl to Du Yanran, and went to the opposite door.

Bai Jinse's fingerprints have been stored in the lock of Mo Sinian's house for a long time. She directly unscrewed the door.

As a result, as soon as she entered the door, she was almost choked by the smoke all over the room.

The room was dark, and the light was not turned on at all. However, there was a figure on the other side of the French window, with a cigarette in each other's hand and a flash of scarlet cigarette ends.

Bai Jinse's face changed and turned on the light directly.

Mo Sinian was still standing in front of the French window, holding the cigarette. When Bai Jinse opened the door, he turned around. He raised his eyelids and looked at Bai Jinse: "what are you doing?"

Bai Jinse frowned: "you have been smoking since you came back?"

Mo Sinian looked back and looked out of the window: "is this important?"

Bai Jinse was angry: "how can it not matter? Did you forget about your promise to quit smoking? "Mo Si Nian's look was dim and swept her one eye: "may forget it!"

Bai Jinse really didn't expect that when Mo Sinian didn't listen to her, it was like this. She was so angry that she went up. How could this man not cherish his body!

She was about to get angry when she suddenly thought of something. She was like a basin of cold water.

This meeting, she and Mo Sinian, the position seems to be reversed.

Mo Sinian thought there was nothing wrong with smoking. What's more, he was addicted to smoking. However, in Bai Jinse's opinion, it was very harmful to his body.

So, do they have to fight as if they were down there before?

Moreover, Bai Jinse instantly realized that Mo Sinian knew his feelings when he was injured.

Her mood slowly calmed down. She sighed helplessly and walked towards the ink shop in front of the French window.

Bai Jinse's series of emotional changes, ink four years panoramic view.

See her from angry to calm, and then to the moment of helplessness, his eyes flashed, did not speak, just, the cigarette on the finger, also did not go out.

Bai Jinse came up to him and took the cigarette from his hand. Mo Si didn't struggle for years.

Bai Jinse twists out the cigarette ends, and then, under the gaze of Mo Sinian, opens all the windows in the room to ventilate the room.

After that, she went to the living room and looked at Mo Si Nian: "Mo Si Nian, can you sit down and let's have a good talk?"

Mo Si Nian's face was dim: "what are you talking about?"

Bai Jinse pursed her lips, didn't say anything, but actively bowed her head and apologized: "I'm sorry, when I was downstairs, I shouldn't have been stubborn and didn't realize your worry. It's my fault. I apologize to you!"

Mo four years Mou son Shan Shan Shan, he didn't think, white Jin se will in so short time, want to understand this matter.

He looked at Bai Jinse and didn't speak.

Bai Jinse took a deep breath and continued: "before, I really got into a dead end. I thought you didn't want me to save my mother, so I quarreled with you. In fact, when you think about it carefully, the essence of your anger is because of my cheating and my injury for others. I promise you that in the future, no matter who I am, I will put my own safety first. Don't regenerate I'm angry, OK? "

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