Qin Guofu's face suddenly became ugly: "ink four years, you do not intend to manage the company?"

Mo Sinian went to the door of the reception room and sneered: "you don't have to worry about it, and I'm very kind to tell you that I, Mo Sinian, hate being threatened by others

Mo Sinian said that and left directly.

Qin Guofu sat down on the sofa. He always felt that something was not right. Why was it completely different from what he imagined!

When Mo Si came back to the office a few years ago, Zhao Yan followed in: "Mr. Mo, I've already sent the video to your email. What are we going to do next?"

Ink four years with a smile: "of course, the original upload to the Internet, let's see, Qin Guofu's face!"

This is Bai Jinse's plan. Bai Jinse said that since Qin Guofu's interview has such a great influence, it's better for him to beat his own face and let people see the purpose behind his interview!

And Qin Guofu, a little guidance, will show greedy face, at that time, everyone will see, we are not fools!

Mo Sinian said a few words to Qin Guofu casually. He could feel that Qin Guofu said the same thing as Bai Jinse. It's really cannot withstand a single blow!

Zhao Yan nodded, a little excited, he also knew the purpose of ink four years: "I'll do it now!"

He would like to see, when everyone knows Qin Guofu's ugly face, what qualification does he have to threaten Mr. Mo again!

Seeing that Zhao Yan was about to leave in a hurry, Mo Sinian suddenly said, "you..."

Zhao Yan a Leng, turn round to see Mo Si Nian: "Mo Zong, what else do you want to order?"

Mo Si Nian pursed his lips and said, "let's start preparing for the wedding. Let's prepare several wedding plans first. Let's have a look and choose a suitable one to start preparing!"

Zhao Yan is stunned. He knows that Bai Jinse and Mo Sinian have already obtained the certificate. However, he also knows that Bai Jinse is a little repellent to hold a wedding. He didn't expect that Mo Sinian asked him to prepare this.

After thinking about it, he said, "Mr. Mo, I'll recommend someone for you to prepare. She's a girl. Maybe Miss Bai will like the wedding better!"

Sure enough, as soon as Zhao Yan's words came out, Mo Sinian became interested and asked directly, "who?"

Zhao Yan told the truth: "Wang Wenhui, a secretary, has done wedding planning before. It is said that she has a good reputation in the industry. But she offended people before, so she gave up her previous wedding planning company and began to switch to the Secretary industry. She has been in our company for three years, and she is a reliable person!"

Mo Sinian nodded: "OK, you can tell her to prepare. If you have any problems, you can ask me directly."

Zhao Yan nodded: "OK, Mr. Mo, I'll do it now!"

After Zhao Yan left, Mo Sinian began to read the e-mail. He read the dialogue with Qin Guofu just now. In fact, because he knew it was shooting, he also paid attention to his words. Just in case, he read it again.

However, he just finished watching the video, Zhao Yan rushed to the office again.

Ink four years picked eyebrow to see him one eye: "you again have a matter son?"

Zhao Yan has some helplessness: "Mr. Mo, it's not my business, it's LAN Cheng's business. Find out something!"

Mo Si's eyes are slightly cold: "Oh, find out who did it?"

Yesterday afternoon, they had a meeting to deal with the unexpected situation in Lancheng. It was because there was a piece of land of Qin group under development on the other side of Lancheng, on which a community was built.

The construction site is a dangerous place. Yesterday morning, someone fell off the shelf and was injured. Fortunately, it was not high at that time. Moreover, there was something nearby to cushion him. Although the worker was seriously fractured, fortunately, he didn't worry about his life.

The company has shouldered the other party's medical expenses, but unexpectedly, the media heard about it in the afternoon. Moreover, I don't know who stirred up the trouble with the workers, whose project is a bean curd project, and the safety facilities of the construction are not up to standard.

Then, this matter became more and more serious. LAN Cheng had no choice but to contact the headquarters.

Mo Sinian held a meeting yesterday to deal with this matter. If this kind of thing was stopped, it would be a waste of time. Fortunately, there was no lawsuit for human life. Mo Sinian found someone to dredge the relationship. Now some of the construction sites have been closed, and the quality supervision department is doing quality inspection. Another part is still under construction.

As long as the quality is up to standard, this matter can be revealed. The building materials over there are things that Mo Sinian has asked people to look at. He has also personally asked. Mo Sinian is sure that there will be no big problem.

However, the media can know so quickly that there is an accident at the construction site, and some people take the lead in making trouble at the construction site in half a day. There is no one behind this, and Mo Si doesn't believe it for years.

So, after the meeting yesterday, he arranged for someone to check.

Zhao Yan will come here. It's probably something about that!

Zhao Yan looked at Mo Sinian and nodded: "it's Shen Yebai's assistant!"

Mo Si Nian smiles, but his smile is so cold: "it's Shen Yebai again..."He sneered: "Shen Yebai is also promising now. He stares at our family. But now he's living more and more. He used to know how to use Chu rhetoric to deal with me. I can catch him every time I do it. It's really Stupid

Zhao Yan looked at Mo Sinian: "that Mr. Mo, what do we do now? "

Mo Sinian took a look at Zhao Yan: "you continue to deal with Qin Guofu's affairs, Shen Yebai Don't worry, he won't be around for a few days! "

Zhao Yan doesn't know the meaning of Bai Mo Si Nian in Ming Dynasty, but he believes in Mo Si Nian when he says so firmly.

Zhao Yan nodded and left.

Mo Si Nian dials the telephone of Chu rhetoric directly.

Most of Chu rhetoric didn't expect that Mo Si would take the initiative to contact himself. He was a little surprised: "Mr. Mo, come to me What's up? "

Ink four years tone light: "when do you plan to Shen Yebai hand?"

Chu rhetoric Leng Leng, only, he did not hide ink four years: "fast, I am privately transferring company assets!"

Mo Si Nian laughed and said, "are you not afraid of Shen Ye Bai cha?"

Chu rhetorical said: "no, he believes me now. He thinks I'm going to marry Shen tingran. In the future, the Shen family will be mine. He should think I don't have to do that! What's more, what I've done is very hidden. He may not be able to find out! "

Chu's rhetoric is to inject money into several companies he runs by way of project capital injection. Shen Yebai doesn't know that they are his.

In the past, it was just to establish its own business empire, but now it is entirely to make the Shen family bankrupt.

Mo Sinian said with a smile: "if I were Shen yebo, I would not think that a man who wants to marry my daughter would be bent on destroying my property, but I don't have much patience with him any more. He's a good tramp recently. Without your sharp blade, he's stupid enough to deal with the Qin family himself! "

Chu rhetoric didn't think of this, he frowned: "then you need. What can I do?"

The rhetoric of Chu owes Mo Sinian's favor. In addition to dealing with the Qin family wrongly before, he has a very good attitude towards Mo Sinian now.

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