Mo Sinian shook his head: "they say they don't know, but Their purpose at that time was not very good. Their family was a small asset, but it was far from the Shen family. This time they came to Mingcheng, they wanted the Shen family to help Xu Fanxing find a fiance. That day, Xu Fanxing told them that as long as they helped to throw the express into the express car, she would find a golden turtle son-in-law! The parents of the Xu family want their daughter to marry a rich man. They are crazy, so... "

Later words, Mo Si Nian didn't say, Bai Jinse already understood: "so, they didn't even ask, according to Xu Fanxing, they went to help?"

Mo Sinian nodded: "I only know today that they are so ambitious about Xu Fanxing's marriage, but Xu Fanxing..."

Bai Jinse smiles and helps him to go on: "and Xu Fanxing takes a fancy to you, but also gets sick, so it leads to a series of things behind!"

Mo Sinian nodded: "it's true. It's still my fault, baby..."

Bai Jinse reached out in time and covered his thin lips: "stop! Don't apologize to me. You're right. What's wrong is that Xu family's ambition is too big. What's wrong is that Xu Fanxing can't control his ambition. He has a delusion attack. It has nothing to do with you. I'm not so unreasonable. Don't put these mistakes on yourself! Let go of Xu's parents. As long as they don't offend us any more, we won't kill them all. If they don't know what's good, we don't have to be polite! "

Mo Si young sighed, stretched out his hand to hold Bai Jinse again, and said in a low voice: "my wife is really a woman with profound righteousness!"

Bai Jinse leaned on his chest and couldn't help laughing: "do you know what you should learn from this incident?"

"What?" asked Mo Sinian

Bai Jinse looked up at his chin and couldn't help reaching out and touching: "you should learn that only I am strong, even if I'm not around to protect me, I can be safe and sound!"

Mo Si Nian's eyes flashed slightly, holding Bai Jin SE's hand: "what you said is right, but During your pregnancy, I still have to double protect you! "

Bai Jinse chuckled: "you worry about your two cubs, naturally I don't mind! By the way I've given them both a good nickname. Boys and girls can use it! "

Ink four years tiny a meal: "what nickname?"

White Jin se voice with a smile: "black and white!"

The year of Mo Si

What a name be perfunctory!

Bai Jinse seemed to feel that he was speechless. She said with a smile, "don't you think, little black and little white It's suitable for both boys and girls. The second is Xiao Hei, and the third is Xiao Bai. It's just right. One is my surname, the other is your surname. These two nicknames just fit their surnames. Don't you think it's very meaningful? "

After Bai Jinse said that, Mo Sinian suddenly felt that these two nicknames really played a wonderful role.

He nodded from the bottom of his heart: "baby, you are bothering! It's just

It suddenly occurred to him that Bai Jinse had been called Xiao Bai before. Of course, there was the cat named Xiao Bai.

Bai Jinse knows more about him. With a look on his face, Bai Jinse guesses what he is hesitating about. She says with a smile: "before, brother wuduan also called me Xiaobai, but Now there's only Qin Mingchen in the world. There's no reason for him any more. Xiaobai is also called, and he doesn't belong to me anymore, does he? "

Mo Sinian nodded: "that's right!"

Bai Jinse continued: "as for the kitten, it's gone. The third in our family is Xiao Bai. It's a kind of nostalgia for it."

Ink four years think of that cat, saved white Jin Se and Qin Si Xian, he seriously nodded: "good, listen to you!"


The Xu couple were released by Mo Si Nian. They didn't even go back to their residence in Mingcheng, so they went straight to the Shen family.

Chu rhetoric and Xu family husband and wife, one after another to the Shen family.

Shen tingran saw Chu rhetorical, immediately relieved, afternoon has not finished work, Chu rhetorical left the company.

He didn't say what to do. He didn't come back until this meeting.

Shen tingran clearly felt that since they were engaged, Shen tingran's feelings with her were not as good as before.

During this period of time, she was basically a little cautious, and even flattered Chu rhetoric. Seeing Chu rhetoric, she stood up with a smile: "brother Chu, dinner is ready, let's have dinner. I'll go upstairs and call my parents now!"

Chu rhetoric light looked at Shen Ding ran one eye, "Er" a, took off suit jacket, pulled to pull tie, walked toward sofa.

Now he has a complicated feeling about Shen tingran, because he knows that in the future, he and Shen yebo will have only one ending, that is, never die.

As for Shen tingran He is contradictory. He likes Shen tingran, but Shen tingran is the daughter of his enemy. He can only try to close all his feelings for Shen tingran.

He got Shen yebo's trust by getting engaged to Shen tingran. Shen's company has been gradually eroded by him.

He never told anyone. In fact, he felt guilty for Shen tingran. After all Even if Shen yebo killed his parents, Shen tingran In the end is innocent, even if she knows the truth, did not tell himself, then This engagement, even if it is to repay it!So Chu rhetoric now has begun, gradually indifferent to Shen tingran, hope that in the end, Shen family bankruptcy, she can completely with their own two do not owe!

Shen tingran saw that Chu rhetorical attitude was cold. Although she felt a little uncomfortable, she felt a little better when she thought of what her father said that she would discuss the wedding date with Chu rhetorical tonight.

Shen tingran went upstairs to call for his parents. Chu rhetorical sat on the sofa. He had already loosened his tie, but it would He still felt suffocated and could not help pulling his tie again.

Not long after, the sound of footsteps came from upstairs, and the three members of the Shen family went downstairs.

Chu rhetoric turned to see one eye, the facial expression light of get up.

Shen Yebai said with a smile: "rhetoric, I heard that you have talked about a big project today. Tonight We must have a good drink! "

Chu rhetoric nodded, with a light look.

Shen Yebai didn't think much about it. After all, he was used to the rhetoric of Chu from bottom to top, indifference in front of outsiders and indifference in front of his family.

They were walking towards the dining room together when the doorbell suddenly rang.

Shen Yebai raised his eyebrows: "this point Who will come to our house? "

Shen Ding ran Mou son Shan Shan, don't know why, in the mind flash a kind of bad premonition.

Because someone came, Chu rhetoric and Shen Yebai's family were waiting in the living room!

The servant went out and opened the door. At a glance, Chu rhetoric saw Xu Zhenlong and Yu Xinxin rushing in.

Their husband and wife now know that their daughter has offended a big man. They have no way to compete with Mo Sinian, so they directly ask for help from the Shen family.

Shen Yebai picked his eyebrows and didn't speak.

Yu Xinlan looked at her sister, frowned slightly, and said nothing.

Shen Ting ran took the initiative to say: "aunt, uncle, what's the matter with you?"

Chu rhetorical has guessed the purpose of these two people, he some boring out of the mobile phone turned, did not intend to speak.

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