Yu Xinxin is not easy to come in. How can she leave easily!

She took a look at her husband, who had been with her for more than 20 years. When she thought about the current situation, she understood his idea immediately.

For the sake of his daughter, Xu Zhenlong asked Shen Yebai with a face: "brother in law This time stars thing, really give you trouble, just She's here now, and she's chained to her feet What's the difference between this and keeping animals in captivity? As a father, I really can't stand it, brother-in-law I haven't asked you anything all the time. Since rhetoric can protect the lives of stars, look Can you get her out of here again! "

Xu Zhenlong blushes, but looks at Shen Yebai expectantly, hoping that he can open his mouth and let Chu rhetoric save Xu Fanxing.

Yu Xinxin stopped Yu Xinlan's arm: "elder sister I'm a daughter like stars. I wanted her to marry a good family, but I didn't expect that she would end up like this. She's your niece anyway. You can help her, OK? I'm a sister, please

Yu Xinlan heard this, and her husband met one eye, they all from each other's eyes, see the same idea.

Take an inch!

Yes, Yu Xinxin and Xu Zhenlong are too aggressive!

Before, they said that as long as they could save Xu Fanxing, after all, Xu Fanxing had committed a homicide. Now that he can survive, it's an extra judicial mercy!

As a result, they even want to take Xu Fanxing out of here!

Yu Xinlan said coldly: "Xinxin, it's not that I don't help you, but I'm a housewife. I really don't have the ability. If you ask me, you'll ask the wrong person!"

Yu Xinxin's face slightly changed and subconsciously looked at her brother-in-law Shen Yebai.

Shen yebo said with a heavy face: "originally The murder of that child by Fanxing is to be sentenced to death. In my opinion, it is certain to die. After all, her practice is too crazy. Even if she is our own child, I can't say anything more I didn't run about this matter. There's nothing I can do about it! "

Shen Yebai, when he doesn't show affection, he won't show affection even if you say anything!

Yu Xinxin's eyes suddenly turned red: "brother-in-law, you can't do this, this place, you see, it's not a place for people to stay. You say that the result of stars is not that you run around, it's also rhetoric help. I know rhetoric always listen to you. He will certainly listen to what you say. Just look at my sister's sake, help me, OK?"

Shen Yebai was cold and didn't answer!

He suddenly felt that he should not come to see Xu Fanxing with his wife today!

Yu Xinxin saw that Shen Yebai ignored her, and tears came down.

She looked around. Her brother-in-law and sister looked on coldly. Shen Ting dropped his eyes and didn't speak. Chu's face remained unchanged for thousands of years.

She gritted her teeth and looked directly at Shen dingran: "dingran I know I can't listen to rhetoric when I speak, but you are her fiancee, you can certainly listen to rhetoric when you speak, so you can help my aunt talk to rhetoric and save your cousin, OK

Shen tingran frowned slightly and looked at Yu Xinxin: "aunt, it's not that I don't help stars, but She either lives here under the name of mental illness, or she is punished by the law. Can't you even understand that? "

Yu Xinxin's face changed: "but For ordinary people, I don't believe that you Shen family have the right and money. You can't do it, machiran You are growing up now, but you can't forget that Fanxing saved you when she was a child. No one else can care about it, but you can't. Fanxing gave you a life. You helped her this time, and you also paid her back. As long as she can get out of here, I will take her away from Mingcheng! "

Listening to Yu Xinxin's half threatening and half pleading, Shen tingran looks extremely disappointed.

She hasn't talked to Chu rhetoric since last night. It's impossible for her to ask for Chu rhetoric now!

Of course, more importantly, she thinks that Xu Fanxing's result is the best now!

Unfortunately, my aunt is still not satisfied!

Her face also cooled down: "little aunt, when you came to Mingcheng and let stars live in my house, you said, she saved me, let me help her enter the upper class, take her to more banquets, help her find a golden turtle son-in-law, I should, you used this excuse at that time, last night You ask us, let us help, let Mo Si Nian release Xu Fanxing, save her life, also use this excuse, now, Xu Fanxing's life is saved, you use this excuse to beg me, threaten me, stimulate me, an excuse, again and again, I'm tired, you understand? If you use this excuse again, I will really disgust you to the extreme. Aunt, you are my elder. You should save some face for yourself! "

Xu Fanxing's words were impolite, and Yu Xinxin's face suddenly changed: "so Are you not going to help your cousin? "

Shen Ding ran closed his eyes: "I have no obligation to help her any more. I've done enough to help her!"Xu Zhenlong's face is also cold down, he pulled a wife: "forget it, don't ask them, they such people are superior, they look down on our family, don't you see?"

Yu Xinxin angrily looked at the Shen family, and his voice was sharp and sarcastic: "you're really cruel. I've never seen such a cold family like you. I won't tell anyone else. You're my sister. You're so heartless. It's just that who makes you a human being now! It's normal to look down on me. Since you don't want to help me, forget it. And my brother-in-law You have nothing to do with me. I understand that you don't take me seriously, but Shen tingran, your sister saved you. You can be so unfeeling. Your family will surely die hard and suffer retribution! "

Shen Yebai's face changed in an instant. He looked at it coldly: "Yu Xinxin, enough is enough!"

Yu Xinxin shrunk her shoulders. She was afraid of Shen Yebai. However, looking at her daughter's tragedy, she still couldn't hold back "bah" and scolded directly: "what are you? I won't ask you again!"

She said, catching up with Xu Zhenlong and running, for fear that Shen Yebai would settle with them.

Yu Xinlan shook her head a little sad and went out. She didn't expect that Yu Xinxin would export sarcasm and curse their family because she didn't help!

It's her sister, but That niece's behavior, she really can't accept!

Shen Yebai sighed helplessly and comforted his wife: "don't worry about her. She's just a person who doesn't have enough heart. Even if you really help her save Xu Fanxing today, she will find an excuse to help her family and find a golden turtle son-in-law. She is such a person. You should have seen clearly. Besides, why do we save Xu Fanxing? Her kind of murderer is also harmful to society when she is rescued! "

Shen tingran and Chu rhetorical followed Shen Yebai and his wife. Chu rhetorical heard Shen Yebai say a few words about the murderer, bowed his head and mocked him.


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