Although Yunyan has never had a boyfriend, she is still innocent now. However, when she hears Li Gang's words, she is still angry!

She calm face, expression is very ugly, directly asked a: "then you are a virgin?"? Mr. Li, do you have the basic quality of being a man? When I ask such a question in public, I really don't know how good you are and how many demands you put forward. Besides, I didn't say that I like you so much. Are you talking about your demands for your partner with so much self-confidence? Is it too much? "

Li Gang opened his mouth, a little surprised, did not expect that just looking at the quiet little girl, suddenly choked.

He pondered for a while, it is estimated that he just said, let cloud Yan angry.

He began to explain: "Miss Yun, I think you may have misunderstood that our family is more traditional. My parents have to ask me about this. On the second day of marriage, they want to see the yuan handkerchief on the bed sheet. For me Of course, it's better. After all, if a girl loses her virginity before marriage, she doesn't love herself and has the suspicion of being unfaithful! "

Yun Yan took a deep breath, closed her eyes and put the tip of her tongue on her cheek. To tell you the truth, she really didn't want to swear.

But the reality is, it's unbearable!

Yun Yan stares at Li Gang and laughs: "Oh Mr. Li, originally I'm going to be a tortoise for ten thousand years. I'm not going to make it out! "

Li Gang was a little confused: "ah? What do you mean by that? "

Cloud Yan direct cold face: "what meaning? What do you think you are? I didn't want to be obedient, but I didn't expect you It's an inch! First of all, give up work and go home to teach my husband and children. You think it's beautiful. Who do you think you are? Why should I give up my favorite job because of you? You really take yourself seriously! Second, do I promise to be with you? You talked about children's future education. I said whether you are addicted to self indulgence and think too much! Finally... "

Cloud Yan angry smile: "I can ask, Yuan PA is what ghost?"? You still have that thing in your family now. Who wants to marry to your family? It's really bad for eight generations. I advise you to shut up in future blind date. This is my advice to you. Do yourself a good job! "

Li Gang never thought that at the beginning, the quiet girl, the direct combat bodyguard, became a choking little pepper.

But Amazing He likes this girl!

If we say that at the beginning, it was because of our parents that we went on a blind date, but it would He really wants to have a good relationship with Yunyan!

After all, Yunyan's lively, let him feel very like!

Li Gang said with a smile: "sorry, I was rude just now!"

Yunyan index finger and middle finger together, shaking hands: "nono! You are not abrupt. You are just too selfish and double standard. You only ask for others, but not yourself. You don't have to apologize. After all, your self righteousness is an eye opener for me. It's just a lesson that I didn't spend money on. Bye bye, never see again

Yunyan said, picked up his bag, got up to go.

Li Gang was so worried that he reached for Yun Yan's arm and said, "Miss Yun, I'm sorry for what you said just now That's what my family means. I I really like you. Can we have a good chat? "

Cloud Yan picks eyebrow to see him: "chat what, have what to chat?"? Do you want to marry your family or your daughter-in-law? Don't you think what you said before is ridiculous? Take your hands away

Li Gang frowned, but he didn't let go. His tone was sincere: "Miss Yun, I really want to apologize to you. Can you give me another chance?"

Yun Yan impatient, direct force, want to get rid of Li Gang, holding his hand.

As a result, she exerted too much force, and she stepped back two steps. She was directly standing firm and bumped into a person's arms.

Yunyan quickly stand firm, turn around, even the visitor did not see clearly, quickly bent down to apologize: "I'm sorry!"

Yun Yan bows and apologizes, straightens up, and sees Chu Sheng looking at her with a complicated face.

Cloud Yan originally also want to solemnly explain, the result sees Chu Sheng's face, words born of card in the throat.

Her eyes wander, see baijinse is lying on the back of the sofa, a face full of interest to see the expression, Yunyan a little want to die!

She pursed her lips. As soon as she was about to speak, she heard Li Gang speak politely: "Mr. Chu, are you eating here too?"

Chu Sheng took a look at Li Gang, glanced at Yun Yan, and nodded: "well, come and talk to friends about something!"

It's a private restaurant. It's not easy to book the box. But Chusheng is a regular here. Generally, he will reserve it in advance!

There are also places in the hall, but there are not many. It's very suitable for blind date people. They don't have to stay in the box, so the constrained people can't let go.

Li Gang and Yun Yan belong to this kind of situation. Li Gang is overjoyed when he hears Chu Sheng's words. He quickly reaches out his hand and wants to pull Yun Yan over. First he has a good chat with Chu Sheng, and then he talks about the matter with Yun Yan.As a result, his hand just stretched out in the past, cloud Yan quickly dodged.

Li Gang frowned. As soon as he was about to speak, he heard Chu Sheng ask, "are you..."

Li Gang thought that Chu Sheng saw the scene he was pulling with Yun Yan just now. Chu Sheng thought it was bad, so he asked.

He quickly explained: "this is Miss Yun, my blind date. Don't get me wrong, Mr. Chu. We just had a little conflict and are mediating!"

Chusheng heard this, sneered, and glanced at Yunyan: "Oh, right?"

Yun Yan really wants to knock Li Gang dizzy directly, this person is afraid to make a charge with her life today!

A good blind date was originally a matter of coming together or breaking up if it didn't work out. I was made to look like a ghost. As a result Finally, I ran into Chusheng!

If she didn't tell Chusheng that she had to catch up with the design draft at noon, she would have caught up!

But the point is, she lied, really I don't know where she lost my face!

Li Gang didn't know what Yun Yan thought at all. He quickly nodded with a smile: "yes, I like the blind date arranged for me by my family. We are planning to go everywhere!"

Cloud Yan direct fire: "who plans to talk with you everywhere, Mr. Li, please talk to take responsibility, OK?"

Li Gang thinks that Yunyan can see that Chusheng's identity is unusual and will give him some face. Unfortunately, he thinks it's just that he thinks Yunyan doesn't have this plan at all.

He looks a little ugly: "Yunyan, don't make trouble. I'm talking to Mr. Chu!"

Yunyan gas want to kill, this person's face is what do, how so thick!

Chusheng's face sank down, he said to his friends: "sorry, I have something to deal with here, you go first!"

His friend picked his eyebrows, looked at Li Gang, and then at Chu Sheng: "OK, I have something else to do. Let's go first, you can deal with it slowly!"

Chusheng friend said, took a look at the time, toward the restaurant.

Chusheng's eyes turned back. He slowly untied his sleeve, took off his self-made coat, threw it aside, untied his shirt button, and rolled up his sleeve!

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