Chusheng knew that Yunyan had a hard tongue and a soft heart. He was not angry. He seriously explained: "in fact, I don't have a horn in my car. I just wanted to apologize to you for not coming downstairs. Don't be angry. Besides, I don't know what kind of flowers other people send to apologize for. I just checked on the Internet. Although the roses are beautiful On behalf of love, but yellow rose has the meaning of apologizing for love. I know that I was reckless before and made you angry. I always want to apologize to you, but you don't want to talk to me. In fact, I feel bad. I really know I'm wrong. I hope you can forgive me! "

Yunyan looks at him and doesn't speak.

Chusheng did not avoid her eyes, but looked at her straight: "people say that eyes are the window of the soul, I hope you can see my sincerity from my eyes. Yan Yan, actually To tell you the truth, before I cheated you on the Internet, I fell in love with you. However, I didn't know myself at that time. I just knew that I liked talking to you, teasing you, playing games with you. I didn't say my identity. I was afraid that after you knew my identity in reality, I would never talk to you again. I really never cared about anything like that. "

"Later, I advertised on the Internet, just to test your feelings for me, because I know that I may have been unable to let you go, but I didn't expect that you proposed to see me, I thought, see you, always have to face, I'll make a good apology to you, tell you my friendship, you won't leave me any room, after all, I can feel it On the Internet, you have a little friendship with me, but I didn't expect We will later cruise party, in that way, let you know my true identity, your anger, I can understand, after all, I deceive you first, I was wrong first! But Love itself is not wrong, is it? I do all this because of you

Yun Yan's expression is a little moved, but she is still speechless.

Chu Sheng held the rose, looked at Yun Yan and took a deep breath: "you may not know. Later, when you were taken away by Du Yi scum at the Qin family dinner, I saw that you were tied in the car by him. I was almost mad. No one could understand my mood at that time. If you hadn't called me at that time, I would have lost my mind. I really wanted to Kill him, you know? "

Cloud Yan looking at Chu Sheng mentioned that thing, emotion seems to be still some anger, finally some moved, mouth shout him: "Chu Sheng!"

Chu Sheng was stunned, pursed his lips, closed his eyes, and kept silent for a few seconds before he calmed down: "I'm sorry, but I'm really angry about that. Du Yi is a scum. That's right, but I blame myself. I was angry with you at that time and didn't protect you. Come later Because of that, you forgive me for cheating you before. I'm very happy, especially later, at the wedding of Qi silent and Yun Ziyan, you actually accepted the bouquet I robbed you. The moment you took it, it's no exaggeration to say that I feel like I have the whole world! It's just I didn't expect that my nephew Qiao Hongchen became my rival. On the one hand, I was busy with my work, on the other hand, I didn't want him to disturb you and send him abroad. To tell you the truth, I thought you were my man. You said I was domineering or unreasonable, but when you accepted me, I thought You accepted my wish, but In fact, it's not what I thought. You went on a blind date with someone else! "

Chusheng said with a gloomy look: "that day I'm really angry. I Kiss you, force you to admit that I am your boyfriend, I admit that I did wrong, but I really wanted to kill the man who was dating you at that time. I hope you can see that I did it when I was in an irrational mood. Can you forgive me? Yan Yan, if you ignore me every day, I can feel uncomfortable all day. I'm really uncomfortable. I don't want to go on like this any more! "

To be honest, if a man is strong, a woman may resist. If a man is too weak, a woman may look down on him.

However, you care about the man in front of you say the truth, sell poor, you will be distressed in the end!

Yun Yan is in such a mood at the moment. She looks at Chu Sheng and sighs helplessly. She takes Huang rose from him: "well, I accept your flowers and your apology. Later As long as you don't do that again, I won't ignore you! "

When Yunyan said the last sentence, her face was still a little red.

Chusheng was finally relieved. He couldn't help reaching out and gently hugging Yunyan across the rose.

Yunyan did not struggle, let Chusheng hold.

Chu Sheng see, can't help but hold her, carefully asked in a low voice: "Yan Yan, you this is to forgive me?"

Yun Yan is a little shy: "don't call me like that!"

Family call her Xiaoyan, or directly call the name, no one so numb called her.

Hearing this, Chusheng chuckled: "the name is just a title, why can't you shout like this? I feel it's more intimate to shout like this!"

Cloud Yan red face shriveled mouth: "who wants to be intimate with you!"

Chusheng just chuxiao, also don't refute her, make her angry, Yunyan for the first time so obedient let himself hold her, Chusheng some reluctant to let go.At this time, he heard Yun Yan say: "don't hold it all the time, it's suffocating!"

Chusheng can clearly hear that her tone is arrogant and coquettish, as if she is coquettish with a small temper. Chusheng is not so happy in her heart.

After all, if a woman can be coquettish to you, it means that you are half done.

He can't help but bow his head and rub Yunyan's hair with his chin.

Yun Yan holds a flower in one hand and pushes him away in the other: "you're rubbing my hair!"

Chusheng chuxiao, also did not continue to hold her do not let go, just looking at her with a smile: "nothing, chaos, you are also the best to see!"

Cloud Yan red face, shriveled mouth: "rhetoric!"

Chusheng mouth up: "then we don't say rhetoric, to some practical, I'll show you something!"

Chu Sheng says so suddenly, cloud Yan a time has no reaction to come over, blinked an eye: "what thing?"

Chusheng stretched out his hand, took Yunyan's hand, and walked toward the trunk.

Cloud Yan hasn't made it clear how this is going on, see Chu Sheng press a car key, the trunk rises slowly.

Then, Yun Yan saw the roses in the trunk. There were two heart-shaped boxes in the middle, and there was a long rectangular box below. It looked like Cupid's arrow crossed two red hearts. It made people's heart beat faster. There were small colored lights flashing around the roses. In one side of the trunk, the sky and the earth were full of roses, It looks gorgeous.

To tell you the truth, Yunyan had seen other people's confession on the Internet before, but when it happened to her for the first time, she was a little excited and her heart beat faster!

Is she right, Chusheng? This is You want to tell her?

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