Chapter 67: Is it crazy to teach the magic? (Seeking collection, flowers, monthly pass, praise)

A few days later, in front of Fahua Temple.

A sweeping monk had just opened the gate of the temple and was about to sweep away the fallen leaves in front of the door, but was suddenly stunned, staring into the distance with amazement.

“Brother, what are you looking at?”

Behind him, a little monk came over with a broom, and followed the brother’s gaze.

In the distance, murderous intent, rolling in.

A woman in white clothes surpassing the snow, surrounded by clouds and mist, brought a group of masters to the Fahua Temple.

Little monk gazes dull, muttering to himself: “Big Star Master, Little Star Master, Sun Moon Demon Monarch, Ghost Master… There are many masters of the demon who do not know!”

“This is…..”

“Magic invasion!”

“The Demon Cult, the people of the Demon Cult are here to kill!”

The two monks were stunned for a long time before reacting, and while shouting, they ran towards the temple.

clang! clang! clang…..

Soon, the masterpiece of Fahua Temple’s alarm bells, the masters in the temple dispatched one after another, placing the Arhat array in front of the Fahua Temple.

Master Ji Jian, the host, looked at the front, only feeling an unimaginable pressure. As the leading woman approached, she became stronger and more terrifying!

Ji Jian’s heart trembled, who is this woman?

Could it be the legendary demon leader?

“Where is Chiba?”

The voice of icy cold like The Underworld came slowly.

Monk Jijian was taken aback. Did they rush to Junior Brother Qianye?

“Amitābha, Junior Brother Chiba has not returned it since he went out last year. Everyone…”

Before he could finish his words, Qi Yixuan interrupted him coldly: “If this is the case, then there is nothing to say, kill!”

With an order, many demon leaders of the Demon Cult shot one after another, and rushed towards the Arhat.

There is a Fahua Temple in a mere mere arhat formation, how can it be possible to resist these monsters?

In less than a quarter of an hour, the entire Fahua Temple was already surrounded by a sea of ​​blood and the corpse, a scene of The Underworld.

The monk of Fahua Temple, there is only one Ji Jian that has been abolished by martial arts.

“Tell Chiba to return the people, otherwise this seat will level you out one by one!”

Qi Yixuan said coldly, and then left here with a group of demons.


Since the last war, the northern part of South China has been owned by the Demon Sect, while the southern part is still under the sphere of influence of the Buddha Sect.

Although there is no agreement between the two parties, they have a tacit understanding of non-aggression.

But now, Qi Yixuan has led the Demon Cult elite to kill the world, all the way to the blood massacre, and send the Buddha Sect in the south to annihilate the gates one by one.

This incident quickly caused a sensation throughout the Martial Forest in South China!

Masters from all walks of life, all forces from all walks of life were all amazed, and they speculated about what the Buddha Sect did to make the demon sect so angry?

Even the lord of the legendary demon cult has made it himself!

Ye Xuzhang, the initiator of this incident, was completely unaware of it.

After killing Chiba, Ye Xuzhang went all the way over the mountains, avoiding pedestrians as much as possible, so as not to be seen as martial arts.

It wasn’t until he came near Beiman Mountain that he entered the city, looked for an inn, asked for a pot of wine and some side dishes, and planned to take a rest before signing in.

In the inn, there are a lot of people, and many people from Martial Forest gather here.

“Is the Demon Cult going crazy this time? They killed the monk when they saw it, and didn’t leave a single death. In just a few days, they have slaughtered more than 7,000 people.”

“It must be the act of the Buddha Sect that made the demon sect extremely angry, and this has caused so many demon heads to be collectively dispatched, and even the master of the demon sect has personally entered the battle. I am afraid that this matter will not be easy to do.”

“Speaking of which, this lineup is really scary.”

“Big Star Lord, Little Star Lord, Great Evil King, Meiyu, Blood Boy, Fengdu Ghost Emperor… Pick out one at random, they are all big people who frighten one party!”

“Even in the last battle between Buddha and Demons, there didn’t seem to be so many masters on the stage, right?”

“Hey, I don’t know how the Buddha Sect will respond this time?”

“How can I deal with it? Naturally, Bodhisattva and Luohan were sent to the rescue.”

“But, this time, it can’t be solved by one or two Bodhisattva. The master of the demon cult has done it himself.”

“You said, will the Buddha Sect send out the reincarnated living Buddha this time?”

“Who knows?”

Ye Xuzhang was slightly surprised when he heard these people’s comments.

Good guy, the two factions of Buddha and demons have started a war again, and even the leader of the demons has taken action personally.

There must be some reason for this!

Recalling that majestic and terrifying master of the Demon Cult, Ye Xuzhang sighed in his heart: “Even that woman appeared in person, this time the Buddha Zong is going to be unlucky.”

However, these have nothing to do with own.

The two factions of Buddha and demons have fought for so many years. Although this kind of battle is rare, it is not uncommon.

I still hurry to sign in, and strive to advance to the vastness as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Ye Xuzhang hurriedly ate dinner, left the inn, and headed straight for Beiman Mountain. *

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