Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1207 World-class competition, what do you say

Chapter 1207 World-class competition, what do you say
Occasionally put it inside the Hongmeng to share with them.

At other times, she didn't study these seriously.

After Qiao Nian stood up, she naturally said to the two people on the sofa: "I'm going upstairs first, I still have a song to finish, play it slowly."

She promised to write the song for Wen Ruxia.

The theme song of a sport.

She had sketched the rough outline a few days ago.

The name has already been chosen, and it will be called [Ranning].

Qiao Nian planned to write out the song within today, and then send it to Wen Ruxia for a look. If there are any problems, he can revise it.

Qin Si waited until Qiao Nian went upstairs, when the door slammed on the second floor.

He just stretched his neck to look up, and worriedly asked the man sitting across from him playing with his mobile phone: "Master Wang, how is the soundproofing of your room? Sister Qiao can't hear us in the upstairs room, right?"

Ye Wangchuan crossed Erlang's legs, glanced at him lazily, and then turned his gaze back to the phone: "I can't hear you. Just say what you want."

"Then I'll say it." Qin Si couldn't hold back for a long time, and the questions were like a cannonball: "What kind of game is that game you mentioned just now? I only know that there is a software game. You can tell me about that game." Are you that awesome?"

"World-class competition, what do you think?" Ye Wangchuan put down his phone with a dull expression, glanced at him, and understood the answer without saying it.

Qin Si felt uncomfortable.

"So awesome???"

He was worried again: "So what kind of competition is this competition! What is a software competition?"

"I just checked. The world software competition has a high gold content. It is recognized internationally, and it can be regarded as representing the country's top software level. The sponsorship capital behind it is Tianchen. In the past, the weak IT in China was always severely ridiculed by foreign media. If Qiao Nian wants to go, he will have to go through five stages and kill six generals before he can enter the group stage."

Ye Wangchuan said it calmly, but Qin Si is not a fool, from the degree of difficulty in his words, it looks like hell level.

"What do you mean? It means that other people can directly enter the group stage, and we have to fight from the outside?"

"more or less."

Ye Wangchuan squinted his eyes and fiddled with the silver bracelet on his wrist. Since Qiao Nian gave him this bracelet, he has been wearing it all the time. He would fiddle with it when he has something to do, but usually he is not in the mood at this time. excellent.

"You know that the level of science and technology in China was limited in the past, and people outside did not recognize our scientific research, especially the IT area. Software also belongs to the scope of IT development."

His voice was very soft, and his speech was not fast: "There were people who participated in this competition in previous years, but the results were not satisfactory."


"This World Software Competition will have a selection competition before the group stage. The selection competition is mainly for places with relatively underdeveloped technology. We have not achieved good results in these competitions before, so we can only start from the selection competition. A total of 16 people will participate in the selection competition , representing 16 regions."

Ye Wangchuan fiddled with the wristband, paused for a moment, and then continued.

"These 16 people will only select 2 places to enter the group stage, and the real competition starts from the group stage."

"Choose only 16 out of 2?" Qin Si stormed away: "It's not fucking fair at all!"

Ye Wangchuan was very calm, without even moving his eyebrows, his voice was slightly hoarse: "There is no absolute fairness in this world. Fairness is a rule for the strong. The weak can only obey the rules of the other party's game!"

(End of this chapter)

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