Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1217 Tired of watching this kind of inferior means

Chapter 1217 Tired of watching this kind of inferior means
He casually dropped the phone on the desk, with a look of disgust and contempt on his handsome face.

The new number used by the other party did not disclose the name.

But he knew who the person who sent him the message was - Yin Wenzhi!

The girl who was shortlisted with him from the Chinese Medicine Department.

The other party thinks that he is clever and can hide his identity by buying a new phone number online and sending text messages, but in fact he is just ignorant.

People with their identities can find her out as long as they spend money to find someone to check the IP address of the text message.

However, Fu Ge didn't want to bother this time.

He was a little tired of people like Yin Wenzhi.

It's like making fun of everyone around me as idiots, but I don't know that I am the fool in the eyes of people around me!

He turns on the computer.

Originally, I just wanted to look up information on the Internet.

Unexpectedly, the portal just pushed him a headline.

[The dark horse of the World Software Contest, an 18-year-old girl created new achievements in scientific research! 】

Fu Ge frowned, and clicked on the news.

Going to the webpage and looking, it introduced in detail what kind of project the World Software Competition is, and then wrote that the organizing committee released the software made by Qiao Nian on the professional website half an hour ago, how the downloader made by Qiao Nian compares The downloaders on the market nowadays are fast and small in size.

Fu Ge took a deep breath.

He opened the URL again, entered the website mentioned in the news, and then saw the software made by Qiao Nian that was hung on the homepage of the professional website.

He downloaded it and tried it out.

Three minutes later, Fu Ge left the keyboard with both hands, covered his eyes with one hand, and showed a distressed expression for the first time!
He was wrong.

It's really wrong.

Why did he think that Qiao Nian was inferior to Qiao Chen back then!
Before he saw the software Qiao Nian handed in, he could still lie to himself. It might really be like what Yin Wenzhi told him in the text message.

But he tried the software made by Qiao Nian himself, and he realized that he was wrong.

Qiao Niansheng was open and generous!

She just crushed them with her strength and won the only place!
Fu Ge took his hands away from his face, and after being bitter, he smiled again.

Before he went back to the dormitory, he ran into Wen Ziyu downstairs who rushed out. Wen Ziyu was on the phone at that time, and seemed to be in a very bad mood.

At this moment, he deeply understood why Wen Ziyu was in a bad mood.

Most likely, he realized that it was impossible to catch up with Qiao Nian in his whole life, right?

However, Fu Ge smiled and clenched his fists again, suddenly he couldn't laugh anymore.

Wen Ziyu had never chased after Qiao Nian, but he was the one who picked the sesame seeds and lost the watermelon.

The self-deprecating smile on Fu Ge's face disappeared in an instant, and he sat on the chair again, returning to his expressionless state.

Zhou Yang saw that he and Wen Ziyu had more reactions than the other, and couldn't help whispering to the others: "Crazy, crazy, Young Master Wen just finished going crazy, here's another crazy one."

But Fu Ge couldn't listen to a word.

Yes, he is crazy, what's the use of being crazy, there is no regret medicine in this world, and he has no chance to regret it.

At the same time, in the Lanting Clubhouse.

Jiang Xianrou just saw the news on the Internet that Qiao Nian was selected to participate in the World Software Contest, and her face sank at that moment.

"What are you looking at?" Jiang Yao noticed that Jiang Xianrou's complexion was not good, and she seemed to be in trouble, so he asked her with concern.

(End of this chapter)

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