Chapter 1222 Game Day
"This game has always been played big."

After Qiao Nian finished speaking, the phone turned on, and she saw Gu San calling in, guessing that Gu San and Ye Wangchuan were already waiting for her outside the hotel.Qiao Nian picked up the phone, opened the stool and said to Jiang Li, "Let's go, I'll go to your place and install the software for you first."


Jiang Li frantically picked up the coat on the chair, got up too, and walked behind her.

Joe wants to participate in the competition.

Rhine Apartment has been quite quiet these days.

Whether it's Qin Si or Jiang Li, everyone knows that Qiao Nian is going to participate in the competition, and basically they won't come to the apartment to disturb her if they have nothing to do.

Qiao Nian also concentrated on preparing for the competition.

For three whole days, I basically watched the game video of the previous game in the room.

Because the play-in is not a group stage.

The theme of the entry competition is different every year. He will give you a theme first, and then ask the contestants to make software according to the given theme.

The theme is different every year.

No one knows that the theme of this year's finalists will be the magic horse.

Ever since Qiao Nian made it clear that she was going to be shortlisted, some teachers from domestic software organizations added her to WeChat and sent her a lot of questions they bet on.

For example, the recent popular live broadcast software.


Another example is communication.

Qiao Nian looked at them one by one, and he also bet on the questions based on the themes of previous years' competitions. He chose two popular topics and made preparations in advance.

September eighth.

The weather in Beijing is sunny and cloudless.

Tsinghua University is the same as usual, all majors should take classes and take breaks.

But the teachers and students of each department are completely in two states, and the strings in each of their minds are tense.

From nine o'clock in the morning, cars began to drive into the campus one after another, and people in formal professional attire entered an art building next to the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Others saw staff move in with computers.

Yin Wenzhi, who is taking high mathematics as an elective, has high mathematics classes in the morning as a freshman. She got up early and went to the school cafeteria to eat. She passed the teaching building with her books in her hands, and just happened to meet a few students walking towards her, discussing in cheerful tones.

"I just saw that the art building next to the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine was blocked by school security, and no one was allowed to enter in the morning."

"I know about it. A freshman in our school was selected for the World Software Competition. I heard that the entry competition is an online competition. In order to prevent players from cheating, that's why the art building is blocked to prevent people from entering. "

"This competition seems to be held in China this year. If we can enter the group stage, our school will be proud!"

"That's right, NTU next door compares the Department of Computer Science with our school every year. If our school gets results in this competition..."

When Yin Wenzhi heard someone mention "Qiao Nian" and "Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine", he unconsciously tightened his hand holding the book, almost crumpling the book in his arms.

Her face was sallow, and there were heavy dark circles under her eyelids. It could be seen that she hadn't had a good rest in the past few days.

Her face was gloomy as if she could squeeze out water, she looked coldly at the blocked art building not far away, and bit her lips tightly.


Obviously she was also shortlisted for the competition.

In the end, the organizing committee chose Qiao Nian but didn't choose her. Now this matter is being discussed everywhere in the school. When the competition was mentioned, no one remembered her name.

I remember that she is also a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine.

Also a freshman!

Among the school's selected places, one of the three people is her!

Yin Wenzhi's white teeth were almost bitten into pieces. She stood where she was, and took out an old-fashioned mobile phone with frayed edges.

Check it out for new news.

However, no.

Not a single new message!
(End of this chapter)

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