Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1234 What's wrong with him, why?

Chapter 1234 What is wrong with him, why?
Qiao Nian's cell phone kept ringing along the way, and when he arrived at the dining place, the boss brought out the freshly cut mutton, and the hot bone soup was boiling in the pot.

Qiao Nian crossed her legs and answered the message with the phone in one hand.

Ye Wangchuan raised his hand and poured her a cup of strong tea. The tea leaves were floating in the ginger-colored water. He handed over the tea cannon and put it in front of the girl. Restraining his extravagance, he said in a warm voice, "Drink some water before eating." Stuff to nourish the stomach."

Qiao Nian just finished replying to Jiang Li's news, reached out to pick up the teacup, put it to his mouth and took a sip, then put the cup down again.

She raised her eyes and asked him in surprise, "What kind of tea is this?"

"Junshan Silver Needle." Ye Wangchuan smiled, then scalded the chopsticks in hot water for her, and handed them over: "Does it not taste as bitter as other teas?"

Qiao Nian hooked his head and took another sip, then slowly put the teacup on the table, and said lazily and arrogantly: "Ah. I just said it's not the same as the tea I drank before."

"Well, this is produced by the tea trees in the boss's hometown. He will go back every year during the tea picking season, and he handles everything from tea picking to frying."

Qiao Nian picked up the teacup and sniffed again, and sure enough, the fragrance of tea leaves rushed over her face.

Her eyes darkened.

I was thinking in my heart, no wonder, it turned out to be new tea.

Many people like to look at the variety of tea, but no matter how expensive the tea is, it must be new tea that tastes the best.

When she heard Ye Wangchuan say that this was new tea, she took another sip like a cat, before putting down the cup again.

Seeing that she liked the tea here, Ye Wangchuan smiled, and his sitting posture was similar to Qiao Nian's, but a little more upright than Qiao Nian's: "The tea here is a major feature of the boss. The last time I brought you a tea that was not yet ready for delivery." There is no chance for you to taste it during the tea season."

While he was talking, the girl's phone lit up again.

Qiao Nian leaned on the stool with his shoulders relaxed, and turned his eyes back to the phone, picked up the phone, and opened the message with his fingers.

This time, the person who sent her a wechat message was still the person with the blank avatar before.

no name.

Not even a pinyin.

Nicknames are all blank.

Just a punctuation mark.
: [You are not a person who will suddenly change your habits. I heard that you have been meddling a lot this year. Before you went to take the college entrance examination, I can figure out that it has something to do with the Qiao family.This time, why do you want to participate in this World Software Competition. ]
After reading the other party's message, Qiao Nian frowned, feeling rather annoyed.

She said it all, she said there was no reason, and she suddenly wanted to do it and did it.

Lu Zhi just likes to ask questions!
What's wrong with this.

One hundred thousand why? .
: [I believe that everything has a reason, and no one will do something aimlessly.So, Joe, why are you competing? ]
Qiao Nian frowned and stared at the new message he sent again, pointing her finger at the screen, thinking about how to reply to him.

She pursed her moist lips, and it took a full minute before she replied the other party's message.

[QN: I want to be number one in the world. ]
[QN: Is this reason sufficient? ]
After the message went back, the other party didn't respond, and there was no new message for the time being, and I don't know if I saw her message back.

After Qiao Nian replied to the message, she stopped looking at her phone, picked up her chopsticks, and concentrated on eating the boiled mutton that Ye Fanchuan had cooked for her and put in a bowl.

(End of this chapter)

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