Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1249 Jiang Xianrou also likes the heroine of the MV

Chapter 1249 Jiang Xianrou also likes the heroine of the MV
"How does Mom know?" Jiang Xianrou was taken aback.

Tang Wanru ignored the surprised look in her eyes, and continued to ask, "What are you doing at the TV station?"

After a moment of silence, Jiang Xianrou told her, annoyed: "It's nothing. I heard that there is going to be a sports promotional film in China, and the Wen family has hired the world-renowned director George Lucas. I just want to try it, if It is also a plus for me to be able to win the heroine of this promotional film."

People in their circle look down on people who enter the entertainment industry, it's okay to have fun, but if you play like Jiang Li and treat the entertainment industry as your job, it will be embarrassing.

Jiang Xianrou had already planned her future path.

She never thought about entering the entertainment industry, nor did she look down on the entertainment industry.

But she has a brother who is a top star there, so there is no reason not to use it, it is not for nothing!

So this time she went to the TV station to meet Wen Ruxia, and proposed to Wen Ruxia that she could film this MV with Jiang Li.

Hearing what she said, Tang Wanru loosened her brows slightly, guessing that Jiang Xianrou had made up her mind, acquiesced in her daughter's way of binding her son, and asked her, "What did Wen Ruxia say?"

"I didn't see anyone." Jiang Xianrou shook her bag, feeling even more irritable: "I went to the TV station and didn't see her, but her assistant stopped me, saying that she was in a meeting and couldn't see me today. Assistant I don't know when she will finish the meeting, and I will come back."

Tang Wanru was not surprised by this result, she pondered for a moment and said, "Don't worry about this matter, I'll find out what she has to say later."

Jiang Xianrou nodded, she was not so upset anymore, but seeing that they were about to go to the dining room, she looked cold and stern, "Yes."

In a blink of an eye, they had already stopped in front of the box for dinner tonight.

Before going in, Tang Wanru said in a low voice: "Xianrou, the MV you mentioned is just a bonus item, you have to figure out your current focus. Your current focus is to pass the assessment of Master Cheng's laboratory as soon as possible! As long as you enter Cheng The master's team, your father and your brother will naturally focus on you. When the time comes, nieces and cousins ​​will all be outsiders! Do you understand what I mean?"

"I know."

Jiang Xianrou didn't understand what she meant. Qiao Nian's success in Jiang's family this time meant that he made it to the group stage of a competition and won glory for his family.

If she can win greater glory for the family, she will naturally be the most shining person in the family.

The future of the Jiang family will be back on her shoulders.

Including the grandfather who distributed the old house to the uncle's family, he will also reconsider the candidate for the heir.

Jiang Xianrou held her breath, twitched the corners of her mouth, prepared herself mentally, and said with a smile on her face, "Let's go, Mom, let's go in."

In the box, Jiang Yao and Jiang Zongnan were both there.

In addition to Jiang Yao and Jiang Zongnan, the cousin's family was also there. In addition to the cousin's family, there were several relatives of the Jiang family in Beijing in the box.

"Xianrou, you're here."

When the cousin of the Jiang family saw Tang Wanru mother and daughter coming in, she immediately waved enthusiastically to Jiang Xianrou with an extremely flattering expression.

"Come on, come and sit with my aunt. I have reserved a seat for you."

The cousin grandma is the oldest and senior among the relatives, Jiang Zongnan and Jiang Yao reserved a place for her out of respect for the elders.

Yuan Qing, as if he didn't know who the protagonist of today's dinner is, pulled Jiang Xianrou over affectionately, and said with a smile: "Grandma hasn't seen you for a long time, I miss you, Xianrou is sitting next to me today how?"

(End of this chapter)

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