Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1297 Are you free tomorrow?accompany me to meet someone

Chapter 1297 Are you free tomorrow?accompany me to meet someone

She knew that Ye Fanchuan was more or less a clean freak.

After going out, I will definitely take a shower when I come back.

I had a drink with her father tonight, but he didn't go back to his room to take a shower first.

Ye Wangchuan didn't expect that Qiao Nian would ask him about taking a bath, so he smiled after being taken aback, walked over, handed the girl the water in his hand, and said warmly, "Go right away. I'll bring you the water first, and I'll bring you the water I'll go when I'm done."

Qiao muttered, took the mineral water from him, and with raven-black eyelashes drooping, unscrewed the bottle cap with one hand.

She hasn't had a drink yet.

I heard the man seem to be doing it on purpose, but also inadvertently: "Do you dislike the smell of alcohol on my body?"

Qiao Nian froze the movement of twisting the lid, for some reason, the tip of her heart felt as if a feather had been brushed against it, and it was itchy, hot and dry.

She pursed her lips, looked over with dark eyes, and said slowly: "Not really... It's just a little strange, I just asked casually."

"You don't like me, try to avoid alcohol as much as possible in the future." Ye Wangchuan was very natural, and continued following her words.A little helplessness appeared between his brows, he raised his hand and pinched the bridge of his nose, his eyes were deep and bright: "Today is an exception, Uncle Jiang is here, I just want to have a drink with him."

The main reason is that he didn't expect Qiao Nian to directly introduce his identity in front of Jiang's father. He said he was a friend at first.

Now that Qiao Nian has acknowledged his identity, he, a junior, should have a drink or two with Jiang's father out of emotion and reason.

Although it happened suddenly, there must be no lack of etiquette and no embarrassment for her.

"Master, am I satisfied with my performance today?" Ye Fanchuan thought of this, his eyes softened instantly, as if a pool of stars had been crushed.

Qiao Nian didn't say anything at first, but when he saw him explaining to herself, her heart couldn't help feeling hot. It was very hot, but she couldn't tell where it was hot. Her cheeks and earlobes seemed to be burning. She turned her eyes away and squeezed the mineral water The bottle, a little embarrassing and a little teasing: "Ahem, it's okay."

"Nian Nian, is it okay?" Ye Wangchuan was obviously dissatisfied with the answer, but Ye Gongzi obviously didn't have the urgency of other men, even in this kind of thing he could still do it without rushing, his voice was hoarse and seductive: "Then I will work harder next time."


Qiao Nian was really going to choke on his own saliva this time.

Fortunately, she reacted quickly, holding the cap of the bottle, raised her head and drank water to hide her embarrassment.

Ye Wangchuan understood her temperament too well, so he accepted it as soon as it was good, and did not continue.He went to the bathroom and helped her get a towel, stood behind her, and helped her wipe her wet hair naturally and skillfully. While preventing Qiao Nian from getting tense, he cleverly changed the topic: "Are you free tomorrow morning?"

Qiao Nian focused all her attention on her back, her body instinctively made her guard against all the auras on her back, but the faint mint scent on Ye Wangchuan's body made her relax her vigilance.

Someone helped him brush his hair, and Qiao Nian's shoulders couldn't help stretching. He squinted his eyes half-closed like a lazy cat, and lazily said, "Well, tomorrow? It seems to be fine."

"Accompany me to meet someone tomorrow?" Ye Wangchuan helped her dry the moisture from her hair, and ran his five fingers through the girl's shoulder-length hair like an inkstone. Just thinking about wiping my hair would make my jaw drop.

Master Wang serving people himself? ? ?

What a face this man has.

The temperature in the room was warm, and Qiao Nian was already a little sleepy, so he yawned and asked him concisely, "What time is it tomorrow?"

(End of this chapter)

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