Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1699 Hello, I am Qiao Nian's boyfriend

Chapter 1699 Hello, I am Qiao Nian's boyfriend

Qiao Nian was convinced, raised her eyes, and asked the visitor, not too surprised: "Why are you here?"

Ye Wangchuan, on the other hand, had a good-natured appearance, lazy and dignified, and lowered his head to talk to her: "I sent you a WeChat message, but you probably didn't see it."

Qiao Nian: "..."

She picked up her phone slowly, opened WeChat, and glanced over it with lowered eyes. Sure enough, there was a new message an hour ago.

[Y: I'll go find you now. 】

Qiao Nian: "..."

With the evidence in front of him, Qiao Nian suddenly had nothing to say, put away the phone, coughed guiltyly to cover up his embarrassment: "Well, I didn't notice."

Ye Wangchuan pressed her fingertips over, and helped her straighten her cap first, without complaining at all, then slowly lowered her hand, saying concisely: "I know, that's why I didn't go in to look for you, I've been waiting outside the hotel for you to come back .”

There was always a smile on the corner of Ji Nan's mouth. Seeing the intimate interaction between the two, he finally couldn't help interrupting: "S..."

When he got to the point of his mouth, he quickly changed his words and looked at the girl: "Nian Nian, this is...? Shall I introduce you?"

He and Ye Wangchuan belong to the same type of people with excellent appearance.

It's just that Ji Nan's appearance has the same style as Qiao Nian's, which belongs to the delicate type, and is not as sharp-edged compared to Ye Wangchuan.

More restrained.

In addition, Ji Nan himself is a person who smiles at everyone and doesn't easily express his emotions. His temperament is more gentle, and he is not as strong as Qiao Nian.

So when he stood with Ye Wangchuan, his aura was somewhat suppressed by Ye Wangchuan's strong personal aura.

But Ji Nan is Ji Nan after all, even if he stood with Ye Wangchuan and Qiao Nian, he was not suppressed much, and he would not be ignored, he still had a sense of presence.

At this moment, he suddenly asked Qiao Nian, his scrutinizing eyes still fell on the young man who walked over, he wasn't too sharp, but definitely not a friendly one.

"Ah, he is..." Qiao Nian's attention was drawn back by Ji Nan, and he opened his mouth, thinking about how to introduce each other to the two.

Ye Wangchuan smiled shallowly, walked in front of Ji Nan, first extended his hand in a friendly manner, and said in a very polite and polite tone: "Hi, I'm Ye Wangchuan."

Ye Fanchuan?
The smile on the corners of Ji Nan's lips remained unchanged, but his heart was not as calm as he expressed.

He has been to country Z, so he has naturally heard of Ye Wangchuan's name.

It's just that he never had the chance to meet that Wang Ye from Beijing.

Ji Nan didn't expect that he would meet the other party in this situation, so he didn't immediately reach out his hand.

Ye Wangchuan didn't show any sign of anger, his left hand was still stretched out in the air, with a lazy and casual look on his face, he smiled again, and said softly, "Qiao Nian is her boyfriend."

Ji Nan was taken aback, instinctively glanced at him, then looked in the direction of the girl, his eyes seemed to be seeking proof.

Qiao Nian was a little agitated by Ji Nan's questioning gaze, but without hesitation, she nodded her chin at him as a tacit consent.

Ji Nan: "..."

He has declared himself his family, and he is Qiao Nian's target again.

Even if Ji Nan still had doubts about Ye Wangchuan, it was not good to be unfriendly in this situation, so he reached out and shook the man's hand, gentle and handsome: "Hello, Jin Nan. Miss her... friend .”

The last self-introduction always made Ji Nan feel a little uncomfortable, as if he had lost.

(End of this chapter)

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