Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1703 Being jealous is childish, but I just want to be jealous

Chapter 1703 Being jealous is childish, but I just want to be jealous
Qiao Nian took the bag from him, fell silent, and opened his mouth: "Actually, this matter has nothing to do with you. I can check it myself. You don't have to do it for me..."

The Ji family is not easy to mess with.

In the few days since she came to Independent Continent, she has realized many times how powerful the Ji family is in Independent Continent.

Ye Wangchuan really didn't need to get involved because of her.

Qiao Nian is just not used to bothering others.

Since she was a child, she has taken care of everything by herself, and she has never asked anyone for help. Of course, it is impossible for Qiao's family to take care of her.

Suddenly there was a person who was going to face the torrential flood with her, and she was suddenly not used to it.

Then some don't know how to deal with such delicate emotions.

Qiao Nian took a deep breath, raised her eyes, and said seriously, "...You don't need to go through this muddy water for me, I can handle it myself..."

Her voice just fell.

Ye Wangchuan narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the girl who seemed to have some hands and feet that didn't know how to put her hands and feet. He smiled, and there was a soft light in the bottom of his eyes, but his voice was lazy: "I just like to swim in muddy water, the water is not muddy enough. , I don’t want to go there yet!”

Bull B.

Qiao Nian frowned irritably, not knowing what to tell him.

"Don't worry, I'm here for your aunt's affairs, and I'll check it out for you."

Ye Wangchuan stretched out his hand, and gently stroked the center of her wrinkled brows with his fingertips. The cool touch conveyed from his fingertips dispelled the restlessness in Qiao Nian's heart. gas.

"We don't know if Auntie is from the Ji family. It's just speculation now. But the Ji family is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface. You can touch as little as you can. This is not Beijing, and I don't follow Nie at any time." You go together. They're too dangerous for me to worry about."

Qiao Nian was never afraid of Ji's family, she was not afraid of anyone.

It's just that at this moment, a warm current surged in her heart, and her voice couldn't help but lowered: "I see."

"Ji Nan..." Ye Wangchuan rubbed the center of his brows, let go of his hand, and smiled helplessly, feeling that his jealous behavior just now was a bit naive, but he couldn't help grinding his teeth before.

He looked at the girl who seemed to be thinking about something with her eyelashes closed again, and said to her in a low voice: "There is someone from me in the Paradise Hotel. I will call you later. The next time you encounter difficult things, I won't be here with you." By your side, you will find him."

"Just like Ji Lin, he can mobilize some manpower on the Independent Island. If you need it, at least he can help you."

Qiao Nian was still thinking.

Ye Wangchuan directly found her mobile phone from her pocket, entered Moxi's phone number into her mobile phone, and then returned the mobile phone to her: "I have a force other than Ye's family in Independent Island, you go to I have seen Ji Lin in country m, so I probably guessed it."

Qiao Nian didn't expect that he would tell her directly about his private power, she moved her lips, wanted to say something, but felt her throat was a little hoarse.


"You are my girlfriend, and I can entrust someone behind me. I have nothing to hide, but there are some things I haven't encountered, so I don't want to tell you these things abruptly." Ye Wangchuan stretched out his hand and gently replaced her Pick up the broken hair and put it behind the ears.

He also said: "You are still studying, it will be fine when you graduate. You are still young, a little younger..."

Qiao Nian didn't understand what he meant right away at the beginning, and it wasn't that she was completely stupid and couldn't get what he meant.

(End of this chapter)

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