Chapter 1707
It was rare for Xie Yun to see him introduce someone to her so seriously.

After a moment of surprise.

Instead, she put it down, smiled, stretched out her hand and patted Jinan on the shoulder, with an elegant manner, she said dignifiedly: "I'm already curious by what you said, let's take her to see me someday."

"I also want to see what kind of person you want to recognize as your younger sister."

Ji Nan saw that she seemed to be really interested in SN, but he dared not promise, he just said: "I'll ask her later if she has time."

Xie Yun had never been seen by others in Independence Island, and she had never waited for her. This time it was a novel experience.

She didn't say anything, but nodded: "Well, you can ask her."

The next day.

Qiao Nian was awakened by a knock on the door.

She always gets up angry.

In the capital city, she was sure that no one would open the door, and continued to sleep with her head covered.

But this time, after briefly covering her head with the quilt and pretending she couldn't get up, she remembered where she was staying, suppressed the dryness in her eyes, and lifted the quilt to get up.

Pick up the coat on the bedside table and put it on.

Get up and wash your face with cold water.

The icy cold water hit her face, and Qiao Nian was finally somewhat awake, but her brows and eyes were cold, and there was not much expression on her face, it could be seen that she was forcibly woken up and dug up from the bed.

She went over and opened the door.

Outside the door, Nie Mi and Master Cheng were both there.

After Qiao Nian opened the door, she stepped aside to let them in.

"Master Cheng, let's go in and talk." Nie Mi said politely to the person next to him.


The two went in front and back.

Although Qiao Nian had just woken up and was still angry when she got up, she restrained her emotions and didn't intend to lose her temper with her elders.

She brought a bottle of water for Master Cheng and Nie Mi, then found a side seat and unscrewed a bottle of water, raised her head and drank a little, then raised her eyelids to look at them, her voice was still hoarse :"Can I help you?"

Seeing her like that, Nie Mi knew that she was woken up by them before she woke up. He covered his mouth with a fist and coughed to cover up his embarrassment, then glanced at Master Cheng next to him, and said, "Master Cheng, how about I say?"

Master Cheng has a detached demeanor and a detached demeanor. He nodded and had no objection: "Well, tell me."

Nie Mi withdrew his gaze, tilted his head, looked in Qiao Nian's direction again, and said bluntly: "That's right, we received an invitation card this morning, and the other party asked you to participate by name, and we want to discuss it with you. I'll come find you right away."

Qiao Nian raised her eyebrows.

The eyes are somewhat surprised.

Who asked her to participate by name?
If Nie Mi didn't take this matter seriously, he wouldn't be in a hurry to dig Qiao Nian out of bed early in the morning. He didn't hide it, and said directly, "It's Ji's family."

Qiao Nian fiddled with the bottle cap carelessly for a moment, her voice hoarse: "Ji's family?"

"Have you heard of Ji's family?" Nie Mi knew from her reaction that she must have heard of Ji's family. He was a little surprised, but his reaction was quick, and he continued: "It doesn't matter if you have heard of Ji's family. I don't need to tell you about the background of Ji's family anymore."

"The banquet of Ji's family is different from the reception we attended yesterday. Ji's family generally does not hold banquets at this juncture. They only have a few times a year to hold parties such as receptions, and they have high requirements for guests. , ordinary people can’t get in.”

It's just that ordinary people can't get in.

Nie Mi was extremely surprised this time!
(End of this chapter)

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