Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1717 Slap in the face, that person is the girlfriend of Mr. Wang

Chapter 1717 Slap in the face, that person is the girlfriend of Mr. Wang

Mo Dong originally read ten lines at a glance.

When he saw the words "Miss Qiao" and "she", his eyes paused for a moment, his mind seemed to be struck by lightning, and he was dumbfounded.

Is it...

Mo Dong didn't know how he calmed down and replied the message.

He just hugged the phone, staring at it intently, nervously waiting for Luo Qing to return to him.

at last.

1 minutes later.

Luo Qing's text message came back.

Mo Dong couldn't wait to open it—[Luo Qing: Miss Qiao is Miss Qiao, you follow Mr. Wang, don't you know Mr. Wang has a girlfriend? 】

Mo Dong: ...

He was completely bewildered.

Qiao Nian?

Luo Qing said that the computer master, who is more powerful than him and Chen Zhu combined, is that freshman girl who has nothing to do and only disrupts their plans?

Mo Dong never thought of getting to know Qiao Nian before.

Even though he had met Qiao Nian several times when he was in Beijing, he never thought of checking it out.

He only regards Qiao Nian as the kind of silk grass that has a good-looking face and enjoys a good life with a good-looking face.

He never thought that Qiao Nian could play so well on the computer.

Mo Dong stared at the text message Luo Qing sent back to him on his phone, and felt his face was on fire, obviously no one knew what he was thinking, he just felt extremely ashamed and slapped his face.

But at the same time, he still had doubts in his heart.

Luo Qing said that Qiao Nian was very powerful, but is that girl really good?

He walked back with a heavy heart, thinking about this matter all the way, and didn't know how to get back to the villa.

In the living room, Ye Wangchuan was still having a video call with Qiao Nian.

Mo Dong came in silently.

When he went out, he was disgruntled.

When he came back, his dissatisfaction had long been filled with embarrassment.

"Master Wang..." Mo Dong hesitated for a moment, but still planned to ask Ye Wangchuan.

Who knows at this moment.

Qiao Nian's voice also came from Ye Wangchuan's mobile phone: "It's done."

"?" Mo Dong was still in the fog and hadn't reacted yet.

Then I heard the girl's hoarse voice coming from the phone: "It's a little faster than I expected, 55 minutes, and it's finished 5 minutes earlier."

"I remotely manipulate the unlocked password, you can ask someone to confirm it."

"Yeah." Ye Wangchuan didn't delay, just raised his eyebrows, saw Mo Dong who was not far away, and ordered: "Go and see if Torre's mobile phone password is unlocked."

"..." Mo Dong's throat seemed to be choked, stuffed with cotton, he couldn't let out a fart, his complexion changed again and again, and he wanted to ask Qiao Nian what was going on, but he was too embarrassed to ask, after all, he loved someone just now. He was the one who ignored it, and now he posted it again, which is somewhat shameless.

Ye Wangchuan didn't know that he had approached Luo Qing in private, so he raised his eyelids and looked at him again: "What are you still doing here?"

Mo Dong suddenly came back to his senses, and stammered: "Fucking, Lord, it's Miss Qiao..."

He has always been unwilling to learn more about Qiao Nian, and he never thought about getting along with Qiao Nian, so he usually just ignored her.

This time, Mo Dong was willing to call out.

Ye Wangchuan glanced at him, his eyes were deep, he didn't say serious words but was extremely indifferent to him: "Yes."

"..." Mo Dong has been with Ye Wangchuan for seven or eight years, not to mention knowing Ye Wangchuan's temper, he can feel some differences to some extent.

At this moment, he lowered his head in some embarrassment, no longer being as blindly arrogant as before, and walked away in a hurry: "I'll do it right away."

(End of this chapter)

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