Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1719 At Ji's Banquet, Sister Nian Was Arranged to the Last Table

Chapter 1719 At Ji's Banquet, Sister Nian Was Arranged to the Last Table

"Well, whatever you want." Qiao Nian really didn't remember the exact time, but only roughly remembered what Nie Mi said early in the morning.

As for what time it was early in the morning... She was wiping the water from her hair, so she couldn't hear it very clearly.

Ye Wangchuan looked at her fair side face, and said softly to her: "The Ji family has an extraordinary status in Independent Island, since they invited you, you can go with Master Cheng and them, don't worry too much."

The banquet of Ji's family is absolutely safe. Independence Continent is a mix of good and evil, but few people dare to make trouble at the banquet of Ji's family.

That's why he was relieved of Qiao Nian's going.

The Ji family is a big family, even though the purpose of inviting Qiao Nian to go this time is somewhat tentative and suspicious, but they are definitely not the kind of people who don't talk about etiquette.

It's okay for Qiao Nian to go.

"I'll ask Gu San to accompany you." Ye Wangchuan was relieved, but he still wasn't completely relieved when it came to Qiao Nian.

Qiao Nian wasn't too worried. He crossed his legs and sat there crookedly. His eyes were as deep as a pool of blackness, and the corners of his mouth curled up wantonly, quite arrogantly: "No need. Since I dare to go, I'm not afraid of what will happen at the banquet." What, and didn't you say it? Ji's family is a big family, and nothing dangerous will happen at their banquet. I will bring people with me, and it will only make them pay more attention to me. "

Seeing her cynical look, Ye Wangchuan felt that she would not be too low-key whether she would take Gu San with her the day after tomorrow.

No matter how many people sharpened their heads, they couldn't get in the Ji family's banquet.

Her indifferent attitude was in stark contrast to those people.

How could it not be eye-catching.

"I won't be able to go the day after tomorrow. I will tell the people who will go and ask them to take care of you." Ye Wangchuan really didn't want her to go alone, so he said hoarsely: "Nian Nian, send me a message if you have something to do."

In fact, Qiao Nian really didn't worry about the banquet the day after tomorrow. She went there for only one purpose - to check the season's situation!

But at this moment, her back seemed to have a weakness, as well as armor.

"I see."

Even though she wouldn't send Ye Wangchuan a message, Qiao Nian still nodded and agreed.

Two days later.

at dusk.

Qiao Nian followed Master Cheng to the place where Ji's family held a banquet.

Compared with the reception she attended at the Paradise Hotel a few days ago, the banquet at Ji's family was obviously more advanced than one level.

Master Cheng took the lead and gave the doorman their invitation letter.

Seeing that they had invitation letters, the doorman led them in immediately.

Dozens of tables were set up in the resplendent and magnificent banquet hall, and many people had already arrived inside, all dressed up to attend, which showed how much importance was attached to this banquet.

Qiao Nian and the rest of them wore casual clothes.

Master Cheng, they are everyday clothes.

The only girl among the dozen or so people, Qiao Nian was still dressed in a more low-key style than a group of old men. She was dressed in casual clothes + peaked caps. Compared with the other female guests who came to the banquet wearing high-order dresses, Qiao Nian's outfit could be regarded as an outlier. up.

They are dressed unremarkably, and they have unfamiliar faces.

The doorman also led them to sit down at the most inconspicuous table at the back very naturally, and then walked away.

Master Cheng and the others don't care, as long as there is a seat, they arrange to sit down.

Qiao Nian sat at a seat further inside, trying to relax.

Nie Mi and Jiang Zongjin sat down on either side of her, one on the left and one on the right, and the others were more casual. Except for giving the main seat to Master Cheng, they didn't pay too much attention.

"That one over there is a member of the Hacking League."

(End of this chapter)

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