Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1728 Good guy, I just made 2 tables of mahjong

Chapter 1728 My good guy, I just gathered two tables of mahjong
She put down the water, raised her eyelids, the tails of her eyes were slightly dry, and opened her mouth: "Dad, Master Cheng, you..."

She wants to ask if you have had enough to eat tonight, if not, she will ask a hotel to deliver it.

Qiao Nian didn't have time to finish.

There was a knock on the door suddenly.

Jiang Zong stood up vigorously and walked towards the door: "I'll go and open the door."

Qiao Nian looked at the back of him rushing to open the door, her head hurt even more, as if there was a string in her head that hurt, and she didn't know how to explain it to him.

Some things are too complicated to talk about.

A day and a night may not be enough.

And she is not a person who is good at telling stories, it is a bit embarrassing for her to tell all the ins and outs of the future.

Qiao Nianzheng put down the water and picked up the phone.

Before she had time to look at the unread messages on her phone, Jiang Zongjin had already opened the door and saw the person knocking on the door: "Zhong, Mr. Zhong?!"

The others in the room were all taken aback when they heard his voice.

Nie Mi looked like a ghost: "What? Old Zhong?"

He subconsciously looked at Master Cheng: "Master Cheng, is your name Zhong Lao?"

Master Cheng was equally confused: "I don't know."

Liang Conglin was completely dumbfounded by the side. He was the last one to react, and he reacted similarly to Nie Mi: "Master Cheng, isn't your name Dean Zhong?"

Master Cheng: "..."

He didn't!
Only now did Qiao Nian see the message Zhongliu Liu sent her asking which hotel she was staying in and what the room number was.

The corners of her mouth twitched.

At the door, Jiang Zongjin had already stepped aside to let Zhongliu in.

Zhong Liuliu didn't expect that there were so many people in Qiao Nian's room, including people he knew.

After he came in, he greeted Master Cheng and exchanged a few pleasantries, then walked straight up to the girl in front of everyone's attention, and said in a familiar way: "Why didn't you tell me that you were coming to Independent Island? I asked you if you want to come, but you still couldn’t tell me, so you came here by yourself.”

The way he talked to Qiao Nian was that they were very familiar.

And it's not ordinary cooked!
Nie Mi was the one who was most likely to lose his temper. He looked at Zhong Laoliu and then at Qiao Nian, and couldn't help but ask, "Nian Nian, do you know Mr. Zhong?"

Qiao Nian didn't know how to explain it any longer, so she just lay down and let the ridicule go: "Ah, I published an article in a medical journal before, and then I got to know each other."

Master Cheng and the others once again: ...

Could her explanation be more perfunctory?

Qiao Nian proved with her actions that she could do it!

She paused for a second, propped her chin with her hands, and said with absolute certainty: "A netizen!"

Master Cheng and the others: "..."

"You didn't mention it to us before. I thought you two didn't know each other, but you did." Nie Mi had a more cheerful and optimistic personality, and didn't care much about the process. He readily accepted a netizen's explanation, and just told Qiao Nian said a word.

"Knock, knock!" At this moment, the door was knocked again.

A string at the back of Qiao Nian's head was about to be torn, her eyes darkened, and she looked out the door.

Who is it this time? !

Jiang Zongjin said very kindly: "I'll open the door."

He was the one who opened the door just now, and this time it was him again.

The hotel room was not that big, so he walked two steps to the door, twisted the doorknob, and opened the door immediately.

This time there were two people outside.

One is a man sitting in a wheelchair. The young man looks very stunning, but unfortunately, in the bright October weather, his legs are covered with an out-of-date blanket, and it is obvious that there is something wrong with his legs at a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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