Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1730 Sister Nian: The Déjà vu of Two Elementary School Students Falling in Love

Chapter 1730 Sister Nian: The Déjà vu of Two Elementary School Students Falling in Love

Qiao Nian put one hand in his pocket, turned his head to look at him, fell silent for half a second, and gave a low voice of grace.

Jiang Zongjin let out a foul breath, as if he didn't know how to talk to her: "Your mother has always been like a mystery. I wanted to tell you about her a long time ago, but I just didn't know how to talk to you about this topic. I didn't expect You've been looking into this."

After Ji Qing's death, he was depressed for a long time and almost left with him.

If his wife had not left him a daughter, Jiang Zongjin might not have persisted until now.

Jiang Zongjin stretched out his hand to help the girl straighten her peaked cap, with undisguised pity in her eyes, she withdrew her hand, and said gently to the girl, "Your mother is a legend."

"I don't know many things about her, but I keep some photos and letters of her. If you want to read them, I will get them to you when I go back."

Qiao Nian half-closed his eyes to look at him, and didn't answer for a moment.

This is the age of the gods, did they write letters when they were in love?It's pure love... It's a bit like the sight of two primary school students falling in love.

She also looked at the man's youthful appearance even though he was old, he looked like a man of science and technology in TV dramas, and pursed his lips again: "Yes."

Jiang Zongjin didn't know what Qiao Nian was thinking. Seeing her nodding, his eyebrows immediately relaxed, and he trotted to keep up with her pace...

Ji family.

After the banquet, all the guests dispersed, and Ji Lingfeng, Xie Yun and others also went back.

Ji Ziyin stayed at the end.

With her is also a part of Ji's family members, who are a small force that usually bet on her.

Soon, a Ji family's eyeliner came back.

Ji Ziyin straightened the goose-yellow skirt on her body, her eyebrows twinkled brightly, her eyelashes were slightly drawn, and her every move revealed good upbringing: "How? Have you found it?"

As soon as she opened her mouth, the eyes of the small group of people from Ji's family who pressed Bao on her fell on the eyeliner who came back.

That eyeliner is a very ordinary-looking man, and if he is thrown in the crowd, he will not make people want to take a second look.

This kind of person is most suitable for inquiring about intelligence.

The man was obviously very respectful to Ji Ziyin, immediately lowered his head, and replied respectfully: "Miss, I checked the details of the people in country Z again, and that Qiao Nian is not different, it is Qing University." An ordinary student."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ji Ziyin laughed, and her almond eyes stared at his face urgently: "Can an ordinary student of Tsinghua University solve the equation of black powder? When did Tsinghua University become so good?"

Since she was selected by the Ji family, she has been concentrating on studying this area of ​​knowledge for 20 years, and everyone praised her for her amazing talent.

But she was slapped loudly at the banquet today.

Ji Ziyin is still not able to accept the fact that she lost.

She narrowed her eyes slightly, and said in a very determined tone, "That Qiao Nian is definitely not as simple as she appears on the surface! The more clean she is, the more I think she is not simple."

The person they can't even find out in the Independent Continent, isn't it a disguised form to prove how capable this person is?

Seeing Ji Ziyin's seriousness, Ji Xiao, one of the offshoots of the Ji family, interjected disapprovingly, "Ziyin, are you thinking too much? It's just a girl from country Z, and she just did a question by chance. , I don’t think we need to pay too much attention to her.”

(End of this chapter)

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