Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1737 Overseas medical associations are also courting her

Chapter 1737 Overseas medical associations are also courting her

"Yeah." Jiang Xianrou took a deep breath, trying to make herself look more normal-hearted, but she could still see arrogance from the corner of her eyes, and she said to Jiang Zongnan and Jiang Yao, "Master Carter means to let me be an associate director of the Advanced Association." , and when the time is right, we will take a step up and become a serious business of the association."

As soon as she entered, she was immediately an associate director of the Medical Association. This position may not seem high, but it is definitely very important!
You must know that Liang Lu claimed to be a top expert in brain surgery in China, but she was just one of the ordinary members of overseas medical associations.

Huang Lao, who is well-known in China, is only the honorary president of the association.

At this age, Jiang Xianrou not only entered the Overseas Medical Association, but also directly became an associate director of the Medical Association, which shows how much the Overseas Medical Association attaches importance to her this time!

Jiang Zongnan was stunned for a moment: "Aren't you a member of the association?"

Jiang Xianrou's eyelashes drooped slightly to conceal the arrogance in her eyes, she twitched the corners of her mouth, and smiled slightly: "No."

"The Overseas Medical Association told me it was an associate director. I was still considering it, but I didn't expect Master Carlo and several key management members to come here specially. I was embarrassed to refuse."

Some people objected to the admission of her into the Overseas Medical Association. For example, Mr. Huang had a very clear attitude and did not agree with her level.

But Qi Lanyin's former teacher, Master Karoska, one of the honorary presidents of overseas medical associations like Huang Lao, stood on her side with a clear-cut stand and offered her extremely favorable conditions.

That's what made Jiang Xianrou let go.

After all, she is not the same now as before, she already has the capital to bargain with these people.

There are quite a few people who have come to see her recently.

In addition to overseas medical associations, the m royal family is inviting her.

Her status has risen, and it was not the time when she begged these people to look at her more.

"...So I won't go there at night." Jiang Xianrou said very frankly, even a little casually.

She knew that Qiao Nian would be there tonight.

And Qiao Nian just came back from Independent Continent.

But so what?
Qiao Nian was no longer worthy of being compared with her.

"By the way." Jiang Xianrou remembered something, and took out a palm-sized Fangzheng brocade box from her bag and handed it to Jiang Zongnan, then said softly, "Dad, please bring this to Grandpa, I researched it Small pills that will help his body."

Jiang Zongnan reached out to take it, and opened it to see that there was a serious medicine inside, and there was no reason to tell from the outside.

"This medicine is very precious. I can only give him one pill for the time being. Let Grandpa try it first, and I will find a way to get him more later."

Jiang Xianrou lowered her head and brushed her hair by her ears, smiled slightly, her eyes were proud and bright, from her words and deeds, it could be seen that she was not just bragging when she said the medicine was precious.

Jiang Zongnan didn't want to say anything else, so he just nodded and his face softened slightly: "I see, I will bring it to your grandpa."

"Actually, Niannian today also..." He had just begun, but he didn't finish.

Jiang Xianrou suddenly looked at her watch and interrupted him: "Dad, Master Carlo's plane is coming soon, I won't tell you anymore, I'm leaving first."

Jiang Zongnan was interrupted by her, and he knew what she meant, rubbed his temples, and watched her go out with her bag.

(End of this chapter)

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