Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1740 Someone Stole My Prescription and Made A Fake

Chapter 1740 Someone Stole My Prescription and Made A Fake

Qiao Nian had already put the medicine back into the box, without looking at him, he turned his head to Mr. Jiang and said, "Grandpa, can I take this medicine back and study it?"

Mr. Jiang has developed a pair of piercing eyes long ago after living for decades, even his age does not affect his wisdom.

When he saw the girl's abnormal reaction, he knew it almost immediately—there was something wrong with this medicine!
He knew it well, but there were some things that were not easy to say in front of Jiang Zongnan, so he nodded, just now he was talking to Qiao Nian in a refreshed manner, but in a blink of an eye he seemed to be out of spirit again, and said wearily: "You take it back."

Qiao Nian closed the box, opened the zipper of her shoulder bag, threw the medicine into the bag she brought with her, then got up, and said to Mr. Jiang, "Grandpa, I'm going back first."

"Nian Nian, you won't have dinner with us tonight?" Mr. Jiang looked at her firmly, unable to hide his disappointment.

Qiao Nian glanced sideways at Jiang Zongnan and Jiang Yao next to him, pinched the strap of the shoulder bag unconsciously with his fingers, and politely rejected Mr. Jiang: "Next time."

After walking out of the nursing home, Qiao Nian did not leave in a hurry, but found a place next to the wall next to the road, took out her mobile phone, and called Zhong Liuliu.

Zhong Liuliu answered in seconds: "Why did you think of calling me? What's the matter? It's related to Independent Island again?"

Qiao Nian leaned against the side of the road, raised his eyes slightly, his eyes looked dark and deep, he couldn't see any emotion, and asked him casually: "Dean Zhong, the formula of the little pill I gave you earlier, Has anyone else seen it besides you?"

"You said the formula last time?" Zhong Liuyuan was in the Pharmacy Association, put down the things he was busy at the moment, thought about it carefully, and said to her: "No, only I have seen that prescription, and I have finished reading it." It will be destroyed in the future. Why do you suddenly think of this?"

Qiao Nian smiled, his eyes were a little cold, he didn't know what he thought of, he put one hand in his pocket, his expression was a little bored, and his tone couldn't help being surly: "Someone stole my prescription and made a fake one. "

She didn't expect that someone would put their brains on this, so she was a little surprised, and admired the other party's endless means of killing.

"Help me let someone see if page 56 of the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic in Zangshu Pavilion is still there."

She has always liked to keep things in her mind instead of writing them on paper. Generally, she would destroy things like prescriptions on the spot.

Of course, nothing is absolute.

At the beginning, she wrote down the prescription of the small pill in the library of the Pharmacy Association. Afterwards, she did not destroy the draft paper, but put the draft paper in a book she was reading at that time.

Since the other party was stealing, he must have obtained the formula from somewhere.

Zhong Liuliu didn't expect such a thing to happen. After he was stunned, he immediately said, "Wait a minute, I'll send someone to take a look at it right away."

"Well, please excuse me."

Qiao Nian hung up the phone.


In a box of Lanting.

Ruan Sisi and a few friends who had gotten close to Jiang Xianrou recently were there, as were people from the Overseas Medical Association. Among them, Master Karoska, the honorary president of the Overseas Medical Association, was sitting in the main seat.

He was talking to Jiang Xianrou, and his soft-spoken manner showed how much he attached importance to Jiang Xianrou.

Jiang Xianrou's eyelashes were slightly drawn the whole time, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised. She was proud and confident, and replied from time to time, neither humble nor overbearing.

(End of this chapter)

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