Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1750 I'm sorry, you can't go in

Chapter 1750 I'm sorry, you can't go in

Qiao Nian's dark eyes glanced at the email from Zhongliu Liu, his eyes darkened, and he closed the email without saying anything.

Then she dragged the chair away and looked online.

The popularity about Jiang Xianrou on weibo is still fermenting. It was a big deal, but because too many people participated, it made the popularity even higher.

There are several hot searches on the hot search list on the side.

Qiao Nian half-closed her eyes, she was not very interested in reading Aite's comments and private messages, she roughly checked the public opinion on Weibo and then went offline.

It happened that Ye Wangchuan sent a WeChat video from Independent Continent at this time.

Qiao Nian lowered her eyes and stared at the profile picture of someone that popped up on her mobile phone, reached out and pressed her temples, her eyes were dry, she picked up the earphones on the table and plugged them into her cochlea, put the phone away, and connected the video.


the other side.

At the entrance of the Rhine Community, a guard in uniform was reaching out to stop him, and said solemnly, "I'm sorry, you can't go in unless you are the owner inside."

Jiang Xianrou ran over purely on impulse. At this moment, she was standing at the gate of the community, watching the vehicles and people entering and leaving the community, her face felt hot and embarrassed.

She clutched the bag tightly in her hand, took a deep breath, looked at the guard who stopped her, and said in a very good temper: "A relative of mine lives there, I'll come to find her."

The guard had just let a vehicle with a Beijing plate pass, and he took the time to look at her when he turned around, as if he didn't quite believe that she had relatives living in the Rhine.

After all, the Rhine is no ordinary place.

Those in Beijing who can live here are not ordinary people.

But Jiang Xianrou looked brightly dressed, not like the kind of person who wanted to take the opportunity to sneak in.

After the guard looked at her for a while, he looked away, and said with a straight face, "Then you call your relative and ask her to come out to pick you up or ask her to call the guard's office, and I'll let you go." Go in, or you still can't go in."

Jiang's family is a prestigious family in Beijing.

Jiang Xianrou, as one of the charming girls of the sky in Beijing, has never been subjected to such birdishness.

But she knew exactly where Rhine was.

Although the Jiang family has a reputation and status in the capital city, it is only mediocre in a place like the Rhine.

Even though the blood in her body rushed straight to her brain, she was so angry that she wished to ask Qiao Nian immediately, but she didn't dare to force her way in.

After the guard finished telling her to call her relatives to come out, he ignored her.

Jiang Xianrou's face turned cold, she walked to the side to open the bag, took out her mobile phone from inside, found Qiao Nian's phone number, and dialed it.

The results are obvious.

She had been blocked by Qiao Nian a long time ago.

She couldn't get through the phone at all.

Jiang Xianrou's temples were bulging. She took a deep breath, went to the guard again, and asked the guard to borrow her mobile phone: "Sorry, my mobile phone has been shut down for arrears, can I borrow your mobile phone to use it? I'll ask her to come down and pick me up. "

The guard saw that she was wearing a famous brand all over her body. He didn't expect that her mobile phone would be shut down due to arrears. He looked her up and down for a long time before saying, "Wait for me."

When he was looking up and down at her in surprise, Jiang Xianrou wanted to find a crack in the ground and slip in, but she could only stand there straight, with a numb face, pretending not to see the contempt in the guard's eyes.

Fortunately, the guard went to get the mobile phone and handed her an old-fashioned black mobile phone: "Hey, hurry up and call, and let your relatives come down to pick you up after the call."

(End of this chapter)

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