Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1759 What is slap in the face

Chapter 1759 What is slap in the face
Qiao Nian threw Thor's Hammer this time.

Jiang Xianrou was directly issued a confidential patent certificate by the medical certification agency posted by the Overseas Medical Association on behalf of Jiang Xianrou.

There are different views on the Internet, and no one side of public opinion is more dominant.

After the overseas medical association released this certificate, public opinion completely turned to them.

After learning about the weight of this certificate, many netizens ran to Tsinghua University's Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine Weibo to demand an apology from Mr. Huang and the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

There was a lot of trouble.

The uproarious posture of the troublemakers seems to be that the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine kneels and apologizes today, and they will organize to pull banners at the school gate to make trouble tomorrow.

Until Qiao Nian's Weibo was posted.

Things have come to a polar opposite!
Joe didn't read much.

It was much more advanced than Jiang Xianrou's behavior of shouting on the Internet at every turn. She threw out a photo from beginning to end.

The long photo was an email from a medical certification agency, and the part that involved privacy was mosaiced by Qiao Nian.

But others can see.

The email replied to the medical certification agency for Jiang Xianrou's patent certification clearly stated that they had received Qiao Nian's email. After unanimous discussion, they confirmed that Jiang Xianrou had committed academic theft, and they wanted to withdraw Jiang Xianrou's patent certificate. Follow up and deal with Jiang Xianrou's academic theft.

As soon as this email comes out, who will compete.

Public opinion reversed almost in the blink of an eye in another direction.

The people who asked the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine to apologize began to discuss explanations under the Weibo of the Overseas Medical Association, asking the Overseas Medical Association to give an explanation.

There are also a small number of people who questioned the email, such as whether the email was sent by a medical certification agency, and whether it would be fake.

In addition, Qiao Nian was just a freshman in the Tsinghua University Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Compared with Jiang Xianrou, who graduated from senior year and has been studying with Liang Lu, her qualifications are too shallow.

What Jiang Xianrou got this time is a confidential patent certificate. If Jiang Xianrou stole Qiao Nian's stuff, it means that the medicine was made by Qiao Nian.

This is amazing.

Qiao Nian is only a freshman, even if he has won a medical competition award, it is only a theoretical award after all, not a field research award.

So they suspected that the email was fake, and the certification authority on the email was also fake, all of them were PS pictures created by Qiao Nian.

However, this statement was quickly slapped in the face by the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Tsinghua University.

The Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Tsinghua University updated its status not long after Qiao Nian posted on Weibo. Like the overseas medical association, they also posted pictures.

But they are not as many as those issued by overseas medical associations.

There are two screenshots in total.

Accompanying text [Seek common ground while reserving differences, but always be in awe! 】

The netizen clicked on the two screenshots. The one sent by the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine was one that Huang Lao had posted on ins before, but not on Weibo.

Two S+ papers published in authoritative medical journals by people signed by Q.

Fry the pot directly on Weibo.

"Q? Joe?"

"Q is Qiao Nian, right? Q is the initials of Qiao Nian's name, so it must be Qiao Nian himself."

"This publication is awesome. One of my relatives studying abroad told me that all the people who can publish articles in this kind of publication are industry experts, and the level of approval is comparable to that of an actor who has been certified by an Oscar."

"God Joe yyds."

"Now I want to know whether Jiang Xianrou has stolen something. Didn't she just say on Weibo that people should put her on the counter to look for her? Why didn't she say anything when they were looking for her?"

(End of this chapter)

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