Chapter 1765 Sister Nian: No see!
Jiang Yao said that he wanted to find a way, but in fact, he had no other way to think about it.

The Jiang family has already used all the connections they can use.

Jiang Zongnan even contacted Mr. Jiang's generation, and contacted many people who hadn't been in touch for a long time... The situation is still not optimistic!
The next day.

Everyone in the second bedroom of Jiang's family stayed up almost all night.

Jiang Zongnan was still tense at first, but his eyes turned red in the middle of the night.

Not to mention, Tang Wanru was in a very bad mood.

Jiang Yao talked to the two of them, and drove to Rhine early in the morning.

He knew it was useless for him to call Qiao Nian, and Qiao Nian blocked him long ago.

He could only drive and squat outside Qiao Nian's residence, and begged Xu Jishen to help him send a message to Qiao Nian, saying that he was waiting outside the community.


Qiao Nian received a call from Xu Jishen at ten o'clock in the morning.

She just woke up, went to wash and wash her face, then walked back, took a bottle of water from the side, pulled out the chair and sat down.

Qiao Nian has been at Zha Ji's house for the past few days, and the quality of sleep at night is not good. In addition, Jiang Xianrou was jumping up and down on Weibo yesterday, and she wasted time going out to find Weilou, and wasted some time when she came back. Sleep more generally.

When Xu Jishen called for the second time, the girl unscrewed the cap of the bottle, took a sip of water, squinted at the phone and called again.

Qiao Nian casually put the cap on the bottle, put the water on the table, straightened her legs, and with restlessness between her brows, reached for the phone and picked it up.


No one answered Xu Jishen's first phone call. He was actually quite hesitant, but he had known Jiang Yao for many years, and Jiang Yao had begged him, so he couldn't refuse, so he bit the bullet and called Qiao Nian for the second time. The phone, unexpectedly got through.

Xu Jishen was still a little confused: "Miss Qiao?"

Qiao Nian rested his chin on his cold hands, his brows were dry, he half-closed his eyes, his voice was low and hoarse, and asked him impatiently, "What's the matter?"

"Eh..." Xu Jishen finally recovered after being stupefied for a short time, told her about Jiang Xianrou in a hurry, and then tentatively whispered: "Jiang Yao is waiting outside your neighborhood, I want to see you See you. Miss Qiao, do you think you want to see him?"

Qiao Nian had been patiently listening to him until this moment before he said indifferently: "No."

Simply neat!

"Miss Qiao..." Xu Jishen didn't know what to do, he was at a loss, and called Qiao Nian again.

Qiao Nian had already turned on the laptop in front of him with one hand, and asked him softly while taking time out of his busy schedule, "Do you have anything else to do?"

Anyone could hear the impatience in her tone!

Xu Jishen didn't forget that his grandfather was rescued by Qiao Nian. At first, he wanted to say something nice for Jiang Yao, but now he shut his mouth and said with insight, "No, it's fine. I just brought someone a If you don't have time, I won't bother you."

Without waiting for Qiao Nian to answer, he immediately said: "Miss Qiao, take your time, I'll hang up first."

After speaking, he quickly hung up the phone.

After hanging up Qiao Nian's phone call, Xu Jishen replied to Jiang Yao's WeChat who was still squatting outside the Rhine Community waiting for his news - [Don't wait, I'll ask for you, Qiao Nian can't see you.In addition... forget it this time, don't ask me to do such a thing next time, I almost couldn't open my mouth just now, next time you want to say it, you should say it yourself. 】

After Xu Jishen sent Jiang Yao this wechat message, he stopped looking at Jiang Yao's reply and put his phone back in his pocket, not wanting to get involved in this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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