Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1771 The things you stole were read by Joe

Chapter 1771 The things you stole were read by Joe

Overseas Medical Association's Weibo has [-] re-comments.

The heat is high.

As soon as she opened it, she saw the abuse that was hanging high on the top of the list.

[Cheng Zi runs fast: Get lost! 】

This comment has over 20 likes.

The second comment was also a comment for overseas medical associations, so was the third comment, and the fourth comment...Jiang Xianrou looked down one by one.

In the comment section of the Overseas Medical Association, apart from those who abused her, there are diss associations who are not human, hypocritical and shameless comments.

Basically none of them speak for them.

It can be said that although the Overseas Medical Association immediately knelt down and apologized this time, the effect was very poor!Coupled with the fact that a master like Huang Lao quit their association... the reputation of the association has dropped to freezing point.If Huang Lao cannot be saved in the future, the Overseas Medical Association can predict that it will fall out of the list of world-class medical organizations in the future.

And she who caused all these consequences...

Jiang Xianrou couldn't imagine how to deal with the mess outside.

What would people in the Beijing circle think of her?

And what would the family think of her?

Jiang Xianrou's head was full of thoughts, her whole body began to tremble, her face was pale, and she could hardly hold onto her phone.

Ji Ziyin watched her go from putting on a show until she couldn't hold back any longer, and didn't sympathize with her. Her mocking eyes fell on Jiang Xianrou, and said softly, "Did you steal your medicine?"

Jiang Xianrou seemed to be stepped on the gate of life, her whole body trembled, she suddenly raised her head and looked at Ji Ziyin again, her eyes were bloodshot from not sleeping all night.

"I know that Qiao Nian made that medicine..." Ji Ziyin said slowly.

Jiang Xianrou's mind was still buzzing, when she suddenly heard her say 'Qiao Nian made the medicine', she stared at Ji Ziyin again, her voice was hoarse and dilapidated, "Who did you say made the medicine?"

"Heh." Ji Ziyin didn't expect that she didn't even know this, so she raised her chin slightly, motioned her to look at her phone again, and said contemptuously: "You don't even know who you stole, and you dare to speak nonsense on Weibo... Look at Weibo yourself, there is an email from the medical certification agency.”

Jiang Xianrou bit her lip and went to search immediately.

This matter is very popular, and it has been dominating the hot search list recently.

She searched casually and a lot of related Weibo popped up. Jiang Xianrou looked at the previous Weibo, clicked on the picture, and immediately saw the email Ji Ziyin said.

It's clearly written on the email.

——The prescription she applied for a patent before was owned by Qiao Nian!
Jiang Xianrou seemed to be a little out of breath from being hammered by a first-class heavy hammer. The hand that grabbed the phone was so hard that the veins bulged out. This was nothing compared to the blow to her soul at the moment.

The cognition that she thought she had everything under her control and suddenly found out that she was just a clown almost tore her soul apart!

Ji Ziyin didn't care how bad her complexion was, and continued what she had just said: "I know that Qiao Nian made the medicine. Is it convenient for Miss Jiang to send a message to your family? I'll see her first."

She spoke politely, as if asking for Jiang Xianrou's opinion.

But in fact, she felt too oppressive, and her words and deeds showed a superior aura everywhere. She didn't mean to ask Jiang Xianrou's opinion at all, but she just said it nicely.

Jiang Xianrou was still overwhelmed by the shock of 'Qiao Nian made the little pill', so she didn't answer her right away.

Ji Ziyin was not in a hurry, stood up, winked at the people around her, and went out first.

"Watch her."

The middle-aged man gave a cold order, followed Ji Ziyin's footsteps and went out.

(End of this chapter)

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