Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1793 Ji Ziyin gets slapped in the face!

Chapter 1793 Ji Ziyin gets slapped in the face!

Bo Zheng didn't intend to return that batch of goods for her sake, Ji Ziyin was somewhat surprised.

She walked back to the sofa with her mobile phone, crossed her legs and sat down, stretched out her hand and poured herself a glass of tequila, then held the mobile phone in one hand, her eyes still fell on the text message that Bo Zheng replied to her 3 minutes ago, the other hand was unconscious He shook the wine glass in his hand.

The brightly colored famous wine ripples in the glass.

Ji Ziyin held the goblet gracefully, and did not rush to drink, but slowly put the red wine glass back again, refocused all her attention on the text message, narrowed her eyes slightly, and raised her red lips, with some meaning Unknown arc.

Bo Zheng called himself Miss Ji very clearly in the text message.

In other words, he is very clear about his identity and the forces behind it.

However, under such circumstances, Bo Zheng actually rejected her.

Ji Ziyin somewhat did not expect this result, but she did not take it at ease.

In her eyes, there is no difference between Bo Zheng and the Jiang family, they are people who don't need her to worry about them, she condescends to find him.

The other party still refuses to give him face...

Then she can only slap this face back unceremoniously!

Ji Ziyin dug out the contacts on her mobile phone and called one of the numbers. When the call was connected, the person on the other end was both surprised and happy, which showed how much she wanted to curry favor with her.

Ji Ziyin's eyes drooped slightly, and she said elegantly and calmly: "It's like this, I have a batch of goods that have been crushed..."

A few minutes later, Ji Ziyin hung up the phone and put the phone back on the coffee table.

Then he took the goblet on the coffee table unhurriedly, raised his head, and drank the awakened tequila in one gulp.

After she finished drinking, she got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

the next day.

Ji Ziyin only received the news from the illegal area at noon.

The underground auction house she had set up in the illegal area for a long time was gone.

Black mandala out of hand.

One hit kill.

It directly leveled her underground auction house.

When Ji Ziyin received this news at noon, her mind was buzzing for a long time, and she didn't come back to her senses for a long time, until her people asked her anxiously: "Miss Ji, why did you provoke the person with the black mandala?" ? Haven't they been in hiding for a long time?"

"..." Ji Ziyin bit her lower lip, unable to utter any sound for a long time, but she was also confused in her heart.

How did she know that she would provoke someone from the black mandala!
She has never had any contact with these people!
These are all ruthless people.

Who has nothing to go back and provoke this organization?
Ji Ziyin hung up the phone, and was about to contact Independent Island to find out what happened.

Unexpectedly, she hadn't called yet, and the people from Hindfoot Independent Continent had already contacted her.

"Second uncle."

When Ji Ziyin faced Ji Xiao, he was still afraid of respecting him. After all, Ji Xiao was in charge of a branch hall in Ji's family, and his subordinates were not weak.

She has always been smart and knows who to be polite to.

Who knew that as soon as she finished calling someone, she heard Ji Xiao's very angry voice: "What did you do in Beijing?"

"What?" Ji Ziyin was a little puzzled, subconsciously frowned, held back her temper, and said dignifiedly and magnanimously, "I've been staying in the hotel for the past few days, what's wrong? Did something happen?"

"You stayed in the hotel and didn't go out? Didn't you provoke anyone?"

Ji Xiao obviously didn't believe it, after Ji Ziyin made sure again that she didn't go out and didn't provoke anyone.

Only then did he say in a bad tone: "Yaomen destroyed several of our important strongholds. We have suffered heavy losses this time!"

(End of this chapter)

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