Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1829 My friend promised to come over!

Chapter 1829 My friend promised to come over!

He loved his aunt since he was a child.

Xie Tingyun is like his second mother.

Xie Tingyun got a serious illness, how could Ji Nan feel better.

"Speaking of this, Gang Jixiao called me. He said he knew Master Carlo from the Overseas Medical Association and asked me if I could help. He could invite Master Carlo to come over. I haven't promised him yet, but you Auntie, in this case, I..."

Xie Yun came from a well-known family at any rate.

Although she can't compare to Xie Tingyun in terms of talent, she is not a noble lady who only knows how to dress up.

She is in the center of power, so she naturally understands some people's small thoughts and tricks.

Xie Yun took a deep breath, looked at Ji Nan with a serious face, and said to him in thought: "Ji Xiao would never call me for no reason, I think the person who knows Master Carlo is not him, but Ji Zi Yin is right."

She laughed again, with a contemptuous smile, disdainful of Ji Ziyin's dark tricks: "Hmph, she knows how to use her brain, and knows that your aunt has a special status, so she wants to use this opportunity to win over the Nan family! Your little uncle Their family has never been involved in the power struggle in Independent Continent. But if it is for your little aunt, your little uncle might be willing to help her because of the great favor she owes her. At that time, she can go to the next level in Ji's house... "

"It doesn't matter, I don't care about these." Ji Nan didn't care too much.

Seeing him like this, Xie Yun was annoyed and funny: "You, you, people are fighting with you, and you don't care about it! Forget it. She thinks she is because of her talent in black powder It was only your father who valued it, but it was actually just a shadow!"

"...If you can find your sister-in-law's child, what is she? It's not even a substitute, but it's thanks to Ji Xiao's group of people who regard her as a treasure and want to promote her."

It's not the first time Ji Nan heard the word "sister-in-law" from her mouth, he couldn't help asking curiously: "Mom, what exactly is my sister-in-law you're talking about..."

Xie Yun's expression suddenly became sad, as if remembering and nostalgic, in short, it was very complicated: "She, she is a very special person."

Ji Nan listened intently, thinking she would continue talking.

Unexpectedly, Xie Yun just mentioned it briefly, then shut up and changed the subject: "By the way, Master Carlo, do you think I should promise them?"

She rubbed her forehead with her hand, her head hurt, but she was helpless: "I don't like her methods, but we have found all the famous doctors we can find, and your aunt's condition has not improved at all, and even started to deteriorate. If it goes on like this, I'm really worried..."

Xie Yun and Xie Tingyun grew up together, and they are sisters, their relationship is extraordinary.

Xie Yun privately dislikes Ji Ziyin and the Ji family forces behind Ji Ziyin, but for the sake of her family, she knows that the other party has bad intentions, so she still wants to give it a try, even if there is a one in ten thousand chance, just in case Well... who's to say what's going to happen?

In case that Master Carlo that Ji Xiao mentioned is really capable.

She took out her mobile phone and was about to go back to Ji Xiao.

Ji Nan's cell phone dinged, he read the news, immediately showed a joyful expression, and then reached out his hand to stop Xie Yun.

"Mom, don't go back there yet. My friend promised to come over!"

Xie Yun was grabbed by his wrist, and her face was masked: "Your friend? You said the friend you called just now? Is she a doctor?"

(End of this chapter)

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