Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1841 Probably no one can reject the Ji family

Chapter 1841 Probably no one in this world can reject the Ji family
"That's the little lady?" He Lin showed a look of astonishment.

Most of Qiao Nian's identities he found out were concentrated in Country Z, that is, he made friends with some awesome people. worth mentioning.

Didn't Ji Ziyin cultivate her own power in Country Z?

Wasn't the He family supported by Ji Ziyin?

He Lin never thought that besides having his own circle of contacts in Country Z, Qiao Nian also had a place in the illegal area.

The territory of the illegal area is not as large as the Independent Continent.

However, many forces in the illegal area should not be underestimated.

For example, Lu Zhi's Tianchen.

There are also Hongmeng and Diamond bosses. These people are very mysterious, and Independent Continent is always paying attention to the movements of these forces.

In addition, there is an even more dreaded weapon predator in the illegal area.

This person has not been seen so far.

"I didn't expect the little lady to be well-known in the illegal area. Stock trading has something to do with finance. No wonder I know Ji Shao." He Lin pondered for a while and then looked at Ji Lingfeng, asking very earnestly: "Patriarch, what do you mean?" ...Does this person still recognize him or not?"

The bloodline of the Ji family's direct line is so noble, there is no such thing as living outside.

But Ji Qing's identity is too sensitive in Ji's family.

For a moment, he couldn't figure out what Ji Lingfeng was thinking, whether he should let Qiao Nian recognize his ancestors...

Ji Lingfeng tapped the glass with his fingers one after another, half closed his eyes, and after a while, calmly and restrainedly said to him: "Don't let the third person know that you have found someone. Then contact her, first It depends on what she means and whether she is willing to come back."

He Lin nodded, and after understanding, he quickly prepared to do it.

He still thinks that Qiao Nian has no reason to reject the olive branch offered by Ji's family.

It’s just that if the young lady comes back, I’m afraid that the struggle within the Ji family will become more intense. After all, Miss Ziyin’s talent in black powder is nothing to say. There are almost no teachers in the Ji family who do not praise her learning progress. Even if the young lady comes back, she may not be able to suppress her. Ms. Ziyin has a head...

As a direct descendant of the Ji family, I feel somewhat aggrieved.

"Patriarch, I'll do it right away."

After He Lin finished speaking, he left in a hurry.

After he left, Ji Lingfeng lowered his eyes, suppressed the turbulent emotions in his eyes, closed his eyes, opened another bottle of whiskey, poured himself a full glass, picked up the glass again, raised his head and took a sip do!


Beijing has entered autumn, and it gets dark earlier.

Before eight o'clock, it was starting to get dark outside.

In the room on the second floor.

The girl just came out of the shower.

She was only wearing a long-sleeved T-shirt, revealing a delicate and eye-catching face.

Qiao Nian walked to the edge of the washstand and turned on the faucet, rinsed his face with cold water, then raised his head, looked at the person in the mirror, then took out the hair dryer in the drawer, and half-dried his hair casually. He left the hair dryer aside and walked towards the desk.

Her notebook was open, and it seemed that she was looking up something, and green numbers kept popping up on the screen.

Data changes quickly.

Qiao Nian dragged the chair away with one hand, lowered her eyes, picked up the mobile phone on the table with a careless expression, and looked down.

There are many messages on the phone.

In addition to some group messages, Nie Mi asked her about leave, and Jiang Li asked her about her winter vacation arrangements, whether she would like to participate in a variety show with him.

(End of this chapter)

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