Chapter 1847
The living room of Ji's family is usually not visited by important people, and they will not come here to greet guests.

As soon as Ji Ziyin came in, she realized that something was wrong today.

In the huge living room, besides Ji Lingfeng, there are several important elders of Ji's family, and everyone's face is not good-looking.

See her come in.

They all looked at her side by side.

Watching Ji Ziyin felt dizzy for a while, she couldn't help but clenched her hand by her side, she bit the bullet and came in, respectfully shouting: "Patriarch, hello elders."

She is not from the direct line of the Ji family.

So you can't call Ji Lingfeng like Ji Nan, you can only respect Ji Lingfeng's identity.

In the past, when Ji Lingfeng saw her, he was always gentler than ordinary people, but today Ji Ziyin clearly felt that Ji Lingfeng's attitude towards her was very cold.

She only heard a faint 'hmm' from the middle-aged man, and he didn't ask her about the progress of her study of black powder.

The uneasiness shrouded in Ji Ziyin's heart became more and more intense, she clenched her fists tightly, only then did she realize that there was still a man lying on the ground.

The man has a thin body and a long and thin face. He is tied up with five flowers and looks extremely embarrassed.When he saw her, he struggled excitedly on the ground again...

"woo woo woo woo!"

Ji Ziyin didn't recognize who the person in front of her was at first.

After all, with her status in Independent Continent, there are many people who want to curry favor with her.

She can't remember everyone.

She can't remember the looks of some unimportant people.

So she glanced at the man on the ground, and a trace of confusion flashed in her bright eyes for the first time.

Soon, Ji Lingfeng said: "Do you know him?"

Ji Ziyin suddenly came back to her senses, and immediately shook her head in denial: "I don't know, I haven't seen this person before."

The man on the ground twisted even more violently, struggling to move towards her as if he was going all out, and was immediately stepped on his face by two men in black from Ji's family and pinned him to the ground, unable to move.

Ji Ziyin saw the man reacting fiercely on the ground, but she still hasn't looked back.

I heard Ji Lingfeng's voice completely unable to figure out his emotions: "Really? He is the killer of the Wolf Head Society. Your Uncle Nan said that you know him."

Wolf head will.


Ji Ziyin raised her head abruptly, unable to hide the shock in her eyes, her face turned pale.

Her reaction at this moment has betrayed her.

But she didn't notice it herself, and immediately lowered her head again, pretending to be indifferent: "I, I haven't heard of this person."

Her voice just fell.

A gentle but majestic male voice sounded beside her: "Hehe, Miss Ji didn't know him, but he told me that Miss Ji ordered him to intercept and kill the miracle doctor I found. What a coincidence!"

At this moment, Ji Ziyin has fully understood the current situation.

The person she sent to intercept the doctor Ji Nan was looking for was arrested, and they came to her to settle accounts with her!
Things have come to this point, as long as there is no problem with her mind, she can't admit it.

So even though she was a little uncomfortable standing at the moment, her mouth was still firm: "I don't know him, and I don't know why he said that."

Nan Tianyi sneered, his wise eyes had already seen through that Ji Ziyin standing in the middle of the living room was lying brightly.

He also didn't bother to argue with a junior like Ji Ziyin, the price dropped!
Nan Tianyi stood up straight, glanced at the Ji family in the living room, and said loudly: "Chief Ji, I brought people to the Ji family just to tell you one thing."

He is about the same age as Ji Lingfeng, about 40 years old, and he doesn't look as sharp as Ji Lingfeng, but more gentle and gentle.

(End of this chapter)

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