Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1854 Sister Nian: No, see the patient first

Chapter 1854 Sister Nian: No, see the patient first
Qiao Nian followed Ji Nan to the direction of the villa while casually replying a WeChat message.

【QN: I just arrived, and I'm about to go see a patient. 】

After replying to this wechat, she turned her phone to silent mode, stopped playing with her phone, and put her phone in her pocket.


Ji Nan leads the way.

Qiao Nian soon arrived outside the ward.

outside the ward.

Nan Tianyi, Xie Yun and the butler of the Nan family were all there.

Several people were waiting for them to come.

Until everyone saw Ji Nan leading a girl over, they cheered up one by one, and looked in Ji Nan's direction at the same time——

But whether it was Nan Tianyi, or Xie Yun and the old butler, the three of them only took one look at Ji Nan, then ignored him, and couldn't wait to look at the people who were walking behind him.


very young!

This was Nan Tianyi and the old butler's first impression of Qiao Nian.

Then the old housekeeper couldn't help but frowned, and looked behind the girl suspiciously, as if he thought there was someone behind.

But to his disappointment, there was no one behind.

There are only Ji Nan and Qiao Nian.

"The genius doctor around the city is so young?" He couldn't help murmuring.

Not much sound.

Probably only Nan Tianyi and Xie Yun who were beside him could hear it.

Xie Yun also saw the girls, she was not as surprised as they were, and was more calm: "Ji Nan said that she is the owner of small pills on the black market. Since she can make medicine like small pills, we believe her."

Nan Tianyi's face was complicated, but he didn't say much, his voice was deep: "It's useless not to believe it, Tingyun can't afford to wait. That's it, even if the chance is slim, I want to try again. What if... "

When he said what if, his voice was so bitter.

The bitter Xie Yun couldn't help but look at him, then looked away, sighed helplessly, her thoughts drifted away, a little sour.

Her marriage is like a pool of stagnant water, and apart from interests, there is almost no husband-wife friendship.

If she is sick.

Ji Lingfeng probably will never be like Nan Tianyi in his whole life, being nervous for her and desperately trying to find a way for her.

They didn't have this feeling before.

Xie Yun felt uncomfortable for a short while, and quickly looked away, comforting him: "I have met this friend of Ji Nan, he is quite surprising. Don't be too pessimistic, maybe there will be a miracle." uncertain."

"Yeah." Nan Tianyi smiled, elegant and gentle, and looked at the two people who were coming, especially the girl who was walking at the back, expecting from the bottom of his heart: "If there is a miracle... how can I thank that Any doctor can do it."

Between the two talking.

Ji Nan has already brought people up to them.

Ji Nan greeted the two of them.

The housekeeper also greeted him respectfully.

Ji Nan raised his eyes and asked Xie Yun: "Where's Auntie?"

"Your aunt fell asleep after taking the medicine." Xie Yun has been taking care of Xie Tingyun here at Nan Tianyi for the past few days. Hearing this, she looked at the girl behind him gently, and then said to him, "Ji Nan, do you want to take the girl with you?" Your friend take a rest? She just came here, she must be very tired, right? Let's make a cup of tea and sit down for a while..."

Seeing the friendly expression on the face of a woman somewhat similar to Ji Nan, Qiao Nian pursed her lips, stretched out her hand to pull the shoulder bag on her back, and ably refused: "No, see the patient first."

Ji Nan knew that she was very busy and didn't like too many occasions to exchange pleasantries, so he didn't delay.

He talked to Nan Tianyi, and then led Qiao Nian to Xie Tingyun's room...

(End of this chapter)

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