Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1858 Sister Nian: I live in a hotel

Chapter 1858 Sister Nian: I live in a hotel

An hour has passed.

In the corridor outside, the butler kept pacing back and forth, and he had become anxious from waiting patiently at the beginning.

He stopped at the door and pricked up his ears to hear the movement inside, but he didn't hear a sound after listening for a long time.

The housekeeper couldn't help frowning, and became even more worried.

That Miss Qiao said that there is a way to cure his wife's illness, so she must be bragging, right?
If so, that would be too bad!
Ji Nan and Xie Yun didn't care about him, nor did they look at him.

Xie Yun waited for an hour, looked at the time on the watch, didn't hold back, turned her head, and asked her son: "Why haven't they come out yet, Ji Nan, do you think Miss Qiao can do it?"

She originally thought that Ji Nan would definitely comfort her and tell her that there was no problem.

Who knew that the gentle and handsome young man didn't want to answer: "I don't know."

Xie Yun couldn't help but twitched the corner of her mouth, glared at him, and was about to complain about him.

The door of the room opened from the inside.

Nan Tianyi came out first.

Xie Yun and Ji Nan stood up straight and looked towards them.

"Miss Qiao, thank you so much today. I don't even know how to thank you. I'll keep this favor in mind. If you need anything in the future, just ask." Nan Tianyi's earnestness shows how sincere he is.

He also couldn't hide the joy on his face, and he was even more smiling when he spoke.

The housekeeper and Ji Nan were stunned when they saw the smile on Nan Tianyi's face. After all, since Xie Tingyun fell ill, they haven't seen Nan Tianyi have such a relaxed expression for a long time.

"SN." Ji Nan walked quickly to Qiao Nian, said hello, and didn't ask how he was doing.

As if she knew what he was going to ask, Qiao Nian raised her hands in a sassy posture, raised her eyes, and said concisely, "I tried acupuncture for your aunt, and the effect is not bad."

"She needs long-term treatment. I will come here every two days to give her acupuncture and moxibustion. When her condition is stable, I will prescribe her medicine."

That is help!When Ji Nan heard the girl's calm and calm voice, and his eardrums were still humming, he once suspected that he was hallucinating.

But more than joy.

Unspeakable joy in my heart!
Nan Tianyi was more mature and calm than him. Although he was happier than anyone else at the moment, he still forced himself to calm down, thanked the girl, and immediately looked at the girl with concern, asking, "Where does Miss Qiao live? Don't you just live here? I'll ask the housekeeper to clean up a room for you."

Of course he hoped that Qiao Nian could stay, so that it would be more convenient for him to do acupuncture for Xie Tingyun.

After all, after seeing Qiao Nian administer the needle with his own eyes, Xie Tingyun recovered some complexion and fell into a deep sleep.

Even if Qiao Nian could not cure his wife's illness in the end, as long as his wife was no longer tormented by the illness repeatedly, Nan Tianyi would like to treat the person in front of him as a guest of honor.

"...I'll clean it up right away." The housekeeper didn't need him to order, and was about to start arranging the room right away.

However, Qiao Nian picked up her shoulder bag and refused directly: "I'm staying in a hotel."

Although Nan Tianyi was a little disappointed, he still respected any decision made by the girl, and said in a very gentlemanly manner: "Which hotel does Miss Qiao stay in? I'll take you there."

Qiao Nian reported the address of the hotel.

Nan Tianyi went to get the car keys.

Ji Nan also hurriedly followed, and said to Xie Yun, "Mom, my little uncle and I will send SN back to the hotel together."

Xie Yun naturally had no objection.

Soon Nan Tianyi got the car keys and came back, and the three of them left the Nanjia Manor first.

 PS: Xie Tingyun is a very awesome person.

(End of this chapter)

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