Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1864 Until Being Slapped in the Face by a Genius

Chapter 1864 Until Being Slapped in the Face by a Genius

"Tsk, I can't find you if I have nothing to do?" The woman gracefully picked up the coffee in her hand, brought it to her mouth and put the cup on the table.

Suddenly staring at the girl's face, looking left and right, wishing to see a flower.

Qiao Nian also let her watch, completely indifferent.

Zhou Zhou looked lonely, looked away bored, looked at the girl after a long time, restrained his joking tone, and asked seriously: "Sun, why did you come to Independent Island? I heard Guan Yan said that you Are you investigating the Wolf Head Society? What happened to the Wolf Head Society?"

"It's nothing, just a little thing." Qiao Nian leaned back on the chair, reached out to pick up the cup, and took a sip of coffee with his head down.

Too bitter.

Also very stuffy.

She only took a sip, then frowned and put the cup down, then raised her head and said to Zhou Zhou, "...I have something to do here."

"What's the matter?" Zhou Zhou looked at her curiously and asked.

Qiao Nian put the coffee cup away, raised her eyes, met her eyes, and said unhurriedly, "Come here to participate in an assessment."

"Participate in the assessment? What assessment?"

There are not many things where the word "assessment" can be used in Independent Continent. She reacted very quickly, slapped the table and stood up: "Fuck, you are talking about the assessment of the first research institute?! You want to participate in the first research institute's assessment?" Research……"

Before she finished speaking, people around her were already looking towards them.

Qiao Nian's head hurt and told her to keep her voice down.

Zhou Zhou finally realized that her voice was too loud. She closed her mouth and sat down again, staring at the girl's face unblinkingly with her peach eyes.

The expression is also changing.

For a long time.

She seemed to have digested the explosive news and calmed down a little: "Why do you suddenly want to take the assessment of the First Research Institute?"

Qiao Nian picked up her lips, but didn't speak yet.

She immediately raised her hand and stopped the girl from speaking: "Forget it, don't answer me, just pretend that I haven't asked this question."

Zhou Zhou muttered a few more words on his lips, calmed down a little, and looked at the girl again, this time more seriously than before: "You finally figured out that you are going to enter the first research institute! I told you before , It would be a waste of your talent in weapon manufacturing not to come to the First Research Institute of Independent Continent, and you have no interest at all, so I have no choice but to give you two professional books for you to read..."

She herself is a member of the First Research Institute, and her status in it is not low, she can be regarded as a leader among the younger generation.

It was purely an accident that she would join the black mandala.

She was only thirty at the time, and she was already the person in charge of the Level 3 experiment in the First Research Institute.

Behind the great success is also accompanied by an endless sense of emptiness.

Probably those who engage in scientific research will always have a strong sense of detachment after doing it, as if they are detached from ordinary people.

After they achieve a huge achievement, they will also feel that they are out of place in this world because of their natural superiority in IQ.

It was at that time that Zhou Zhou started to play on the dark web. She opened a small account, and later joined the black mandala by mistake.

Then she met Qiao Nian.

Thinking of the past, Zhou Zhou couldn't help but look at the girl sitting across from him. It has been two or three years since that happened, and she still feels slapped every time she thinks about it...

She thinks she is smarter than others.

Until you meet a real genius.

I was crushed by a genius in terms of IQ.

(End of this chapter)

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