Chapter 1882 My Master is True

After Ye Wangchuan came back, he didn't go upstairs or study, he made himself a cup of coffee, and poured another cup for Bao Jingxing.

"Thank you." Bao Jingxing took it over flattered and thanked him.

Ye Wangchuan didn't say anything, turned back, sat on the bar in the living room and took out his mobile phone.

Just when Ye Lan called, he picked it up, leaned back and stretched his body: "Hi, sister-in-law."

There was a delay on the phone, and after two seconds, Ye Lan's voice came from the phone.

"Niannian went around the city to see relatives and hasn't come back for so long? When are you planning to come back? I heard from Principal Liang that she won't take the final exam this semester. Is her relative in poor health? Very sick ?”

Ye Lan was very worried: "Do you think we should go there too, to see that relative of Nian Nian?"

Only a few people know that Qiao Nian came to Independent Continent.

For the others, Ye Wangchuan only said that Qiao Nian had gone around the city to see Uncle Chen and Aunt Chen, and would not return to Beijing for the time being, suppressing the news that Qiao Nian had come to Independent Island.

No one, including Ye Lan, knew that Qiao Nian was not going around the city, but in Independent Continent, and was about to take the assessment of the First Research Institute.

"What's wrong with that relative of hers? Do you have a solution? If there is no solution, I know a lot of experts. Tell Niannian to see if she is willing to transfer him to the Beijing Hospital. In Beijing It is also convenient for me to take care of it, and I can go to the hospital to help take a look after I am busy every day."

Ye Lan was earnest, and was very worried that Qiao Nian would be too busy to take care of the patients and was too tired.

Ordinary people's lies are about to be exposed, and they should feel very guilty, at least not so naturally.

But Ye Gongzi is obviously not an ordinary person.

He only lowered his eyelashes, and said lazily: "No need, they are used to staying in the ring city, and it's not a serious problem, it's just some minor problems accumulated in the past, and they need more rest."

"Then when are you coming back?" Ye Lan turned back to the old question. She was afraid of disturbing Qiao Nian, so she usually asked Ye Wangchuan.

So Qiao Nian didn't know that she had already circled the city in other people's hearts.

Ye Wangchuan lowered his eyelashes, and there was some youthful frivolity in his brows, but more of the settled calm and introverted: "I'm not sure."

Don't wait for Ye Lan to talk about him.

He said casually: "It depends on the situation. She is busy recently, so don't disturb her, just tell me if you have anything to do."

"You brat is trembling at this time, you tell me that I will report to you every time I talk to Niannian, you are so powerful, why didn't you marry him back home earlier?" Ye Lan was angry at him Enough, her face turned green, she stood up from the swivel chair in the office, and surprised the secretary who opened the door and came in to tell her the upcoming itinerary.

Ye Lan waved to the secretary, signaling him to wait a moment, then continued to walk towards the French windows with his mobile phone: "I'll just give you a call to check the situation, you brat, I'm afraid I'll disturb you."

As she spoke, she remembered: "By the way, there is one more thing I want to tell you. Jiang Xianrou has officially been transferred to prison to serve his sentence, and the He family has also died."

Ye Wangchuan tapped his fingers on the bar counter, his eyes darkened, his voice was low, and he said to Ye Lan, "I see, I'll hang up now."

Before Ye Lan had time to ask him how Qiao Nian was doing, he had already hung up the phone, sat at the bar for a while, then picked up his phone and went upstairs to find someone.

Bao Jingxing didn't play the game, sat there and heard some phone calls, and watched him go upstairs to find someone, his eyelids twitched, his eyes were full of astonishment.

He's telling the truth. Doesn't he need to write a draft for lying all the time?

When did Qiao Nian go around the city?
(End of this chapter)

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