Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1884 Delusion, Your Vest Is Off

Chapter 1884 Delusion, Your Vest Is Off
His forehead was about to touch the girl's forehead, and a shimmering handsome face approached, magnifying his handsome appearance, his brows and eyes were like jade: "Nian Nian, do you want me to help?"

"En?" Qiao Nian was still immersed in that thorny problem at first, and didn't notice that he was close to him. He didn't realize the distance between them until he heard his words, raised his head slightly, and the bridge of his nose brushed against his. how close...

Ye Wangchuan's breath is almost rushing, the fragrance of mint leaves is wrapped in the coldness, it is not strong, but it makes people have nowhere to hide.

Ye Wangchuan looked at the girl slightly distracted, raised his thin lips, and his voice was low and hoarse: "There are still three days before the recruitment assessment of the First Research Institute, how does God Qiao plan to take the test?"

Qiao Nian was almost blocked by him on the chair. Hearing this, he slightly raised his eyes and murmured: "Just take the test like that, let it take its course."

Seeing that she wasn't particularly nervous, Ye Wangchuan lowered his head and leaned closer, his thin lips almost brushing against hers: "Do you want me to help you with your lessons?"

Qiao Nian: "?"

Make-up lessons?

"Tsk." Ye Wangchuan seldom saw her showing an unexpected expression, and the more he looked at her, the more cute he felt: "It's the institute's assessment in three days, do you want me to help you make up the get out of class in advance?"

"En?" Qiao Nian was still surprised.

He stretched out his hand to put the girl's loose hair behind her ears, and suddenly hooked the back of the girl's head, Ye Wangchuan lowered his head...

2 minute later.

He panted slightly, his neck was slender and fair, he let go of his hands, and helped the girl re-tie the hair hanging behind her ears. His eyes were as deep as the vast sea of ​​stars, and he walked to the desk and saw the notebook on the desk.

Ye Wangchuan curled his index finger and tapped lightly on the open notebook, his voice was still lazily hoarse: "You just read this question? You can replace it with..."

The man's voice was unhurried, calm and powerful, and his thinking in solving the problem was very clear. What she wanted to diverge just now became easy to understand under his explanation.

At first, Qiao Nian couldn't concentrate immediately, but when he heard his soothing and powerful way of solving problems, his own thinking also broadened.

She picked up the pen again, and tried to calculate on the draft paper according to the method Ye Fanchuan said.

Sure enough, the final calculated answer was almost the same as the one calculated on the computer.

Qiao Nian couldn't help but pause, the hand holding the pen tightened, her knuckles raised slightly, she suddenly remembered what Ji Nan had said to her.

A person who was not from Independent Continent was admitted to the First Institute before, and the Institute broke many rules for that person, but a year later, that person left the Institute inexplicably...

So that person... surnamed Ye?
Three days later, the day of the institute's assessment officially arrived.

The assessment of the First Research Institute is divided into two types of examinations: theory and operation. All those who take part in the assessment must pass the theory before they are eligible to participate in the follow-up operation examination.

And the theory test of the first institute is different from the outside.

They don't look at your rank, but a passing grade.

For example, if you have a total score of 120 points, you must pass the test with a score of 90 or more. Those who do not reach the pass line will be eliminated by default.

In other words.

A total of 83 people participated in this new recruiting test. Even if you get in the top 30, as long as you don't get 90 points, you will be eliminated.

Therefore, in previous years, the first round of the assessment of the First Research Institute also ended, and only a small half of the people left to participate in the second round of assessment.

(End of this chapter)

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