Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1890 Don't be embarrassing, sister Nian is not in the bottom ranking

Chapter 1890 Don't be embarrassing, sister Nian is not in the bottom ranking
Ji Xiao raised the corners of his mouth, looked up at the scrolling screen, and smiled: "Anyway, the results will be out in an hour, so let's wait. We also have to wait for Hongfeng's results, so we can take a look together."

One is the first, and the other may be the last.

He couldn't help laughing just imagining the tragic comparison when the results came out, and he couldn't wait to see the excitement.

Ji Hongfeng didn't come out with most of the people until the exam time was over.

He found Ji Ziyin and the others, waited for another hour, and the scrolling screen began to display results.

The results of the first round of theory assessment came out quickly.

The first batch came out with 80-83 people.

No matter how abnormal Ji Hongfeng's performance was, he would not get into this ranking. In the past, members of the Ji family would definitely not look at the results of this ranking.

But this time, both Ji Ziyin and He Lin are paying attention to the ranking at the end of the crane, to see if the people inside have Qiao Nian's name.

As soon as the 80-83 names came out, He Lin couldn't wait to read them all. When he found that Qiao Nian's name wasn't there, he breathed a sigh of relief.

At least not the last 3.

Ji Ziyin also twitched the corners of her mouth, her eyes darkened: "It seems that the Nan family didn't just find someone to come..."

He Lin smiled noncommittally: "Yes, it seems that her grades are better than we imagined."

Ji Ziyin looked at him, feeling more and more suspicious. After all, He Lin paid too much attention to Qiao Nian's grades!

But she turned her head quickly, covering up the emotions in her eyes, looked back at the scrolling screen, and said lightly: "There are still 70-80 people, let's take a look first."

The 70-80th place is not much better than the 80-83rd place, which is also the last result.

It's just that it's not as ugly as the top three at the end of the crane.

She estimated that Qiao Nian would only squeeze into the 70-80th place at the most, and it was unlucky not to pass the 80th-83rd place in the exam.


At the same time, Bao Jingxing and Qin Si outside were also paying close attention to the rankings displayed on the scrolling screen.

Among the 80-83 names, Qiao Nian's name was not included.

Qin Si breathed a sigh of relief.

Bo Jingxing was fine, he never thought that Qiao Nian would appear in the 80-83 list.

After all, that person is not the last one in the exam.

No matter how difficult the questions in the First Research Institute were, Qiao Nian was at the top of the National College Entrance Examination with full marks, so he would never fail in the theoretical exam.

Sure enough, among the 80-83 names, there was no name that Qiao read...

Immediately after that is the 70-80th place, followed by the person's name and score.

71st, Deng Yi, 43 points.

72, Born, 41 points.


Then the bottom row is the 80th place, the score is very poor, only 33 points.

Bo Jingxing frowned, turned his head involuntarily, and said to Ye Wangchuan: "Why is the result of the No. [-] Research Institute this year so much worse than previous years? Could it be that the exam questions this year are too difficult?"


7 points does not seem like a lot of points.

It can widen the gap of 10 digits.

For example, before the 80 students went out, they could say that they scored 40 points in the test, but this year they can only say that they scored 30 points in the test.

30 points and 40 points, it sounds like there is still a lot of difference.

Ye Wangchuan didn't speak, just raised his head slightly, looked at the rankings and results on the scrolling screen, and didn't answer.

After making fun of himself, Bao Jingxing ran to ask Qiao Nian again: "Miss Qiao, did you feel that the questions were particularly difficult when you were doing them?"

(End of this chapter)

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