Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1902 Sister Nian completes the experiment in the last 2 seconds

Chapter 1902 Sister Nian completes the experiment in the last 2 seconds

Not only the other people in the lecture hall thought that the candidates for this year's research institute had been confirmed, but even several laboratory leaders believed that the candidates for this year's research institute had been selected...

Zhou Zhou frowned, and then looked to the last row.

It's so noisy up front.

The people in the last row didn't look at them as if they didn't hear it.

Her heart fluttered, she pursed her lips and said in a deep voice to the others: "There are still 20 minutes, let's wait."

The person in charge of the level 2 laboratory glanced at her, hesitated to speak, but finally said nothing, nodded in response: "Yes, there is still time, let's wait a little longer, maybe someone else will finish it."

In previous years, about 5-6 people who entered the second round of mock assessment could complete the experiment.

The number of people entering the second round this year is a dozen less than in previous years, and they estimate that about 3-4 people will complete the experiment.

With Ji Hongfeng's gems ahead of him, most people thought it was impossible to perform miracles again.

But according to the rules of the research institute, if there is still time, it means the assessment is not over yet, and it is not good for them to leave before this time.

In the next 20 minutes, people continued to complete the experiment.

It is similar to the estimates of several laboratory leaders, and the total number of people who completed the experiment is about 4 people.

Seeing the time approaching every minute and every second.

Ji Hongfeng was the first to finish, but he didn't go out in a hurry. Instead, he tidied up the test bench while waiting for Qiao Nian's results.

He originally thought that Qiao Nian was no faster than him, at least he was the second or third person to complete the experiment, but he didn't expect to wait and wait, he waited until the end, and the girl didn't respond yet.

It doesn't seem to be done yet.

Ji Hongfeng couldn't tell whether Qiao Nian hadn't finished it, or didn't know how to do it at all.


Time flew by, and there was still 1 minute left for the assessment to end.

In the big lecture hall, some people who have not finished the experiment have given up struggling, their hands are away from the computer, and their heads are downcast.

Only the girls in the last row were still calmly typing something on the keyboard.

Zhou Zhou couldn't hold his breath anymore, and checked the time frequently.

She watched the seconds turn half a circle, and several other persons in charge began to pack their things. Her expression was solemn and her nerves tensed up.

10 seconds left.

Zhou Zhou's heart was beating so fast that he was about to give up.

Ji Hongfeng also started to pack his things, his doubts dissipated, his handsome face showed an expression of certainty, and the corners of his mouth began to rise.

last 5 seconds.

Even the few unwilling people looked at the time and chose to give up dejectedly. They looked up to see if there were any people around them who hadn't given up, and they saw Qiao Nian in the corner.

"Why is she still doing it?"

"The time is almost up, it's useless for her to continue, why bother."

"Maybe not reconciled. After all, he got such a good result in the first round, but he knelt down in the second round. How much he is unwilling."

"Time is up."


When there was a lot of discussion in the lecture theater, the girl pressed the Enter key, left the keyboard with both hands, picked up the peaked cap on the experimental table and put it on her head, and said very casually: "Report to the teacher, I'm done."

At this moment, there are only two seconds left until the end of the assessment, and the second and minute hands are about to overlap. The girl's voice in the large lecture hall seemed so sudden, like a thunderbolt, making everyone who was about to leave stop.

This point... done?

(End of this chapter)

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