Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1911 The Ji family wants to talk to Sister Nian again

Chapter 1911 The Ji Family Wants to Talk to Sister Nian Again

After all, Ji Ziyin's talent has been rampant in Independent Continent for many years. If Qiao Nian recognizes his ancestors and returns to his clan, Ji's family can go up to a higher level.

With Qiao Nian's talent, it is possible for the family to have an owner of the No. [-] Research Institute in the future.

Who is willing to give up the huge benefits in front of them?
Even if they are as proud as Ji's family, they will still lower their noble heads in front of huge interests.

"Did you not tell her clearly?" Someone found the steps.

He Lin looked bitter, shook his head, and replied very positively: "The text message I sent to the young lady, she read the text message, but did not reply to me. I called her again later, and she hung up immediately after hearing my name. I'll call her again afterward, but I can't get in anymore."

Qiao Nian's reaction clearly knew who he was, but he didn't want to bully him.

The huge conference room was deadly quiet again, and all the elders of Ji's family looked ugly and couldn't speak a word.

After a long time.

Someone still couldn't help saying: "But she is the blood of our Ji family, and the blood of the Ji family is flowing in her body. How can the direct descendants of the Ji family represent the Nan family to participate in the assessment of the First Research Institute. How can they spread it outside?" Miss us? Isn't this a big joke!"

The Ji family and the Nan family are both one of the three major forces in the Independent Continent.

Qiao Nian is from the direct line of the Ji family.

Qiao Nian did not represent the Ji family to participate in the assessment, but represented the Nan family, one of the three major forces in the Independent Continent...

If this matter gets out, it will definitely be a big joke!

Ji Lingfeng supported the table with his hands, pressed his fingertips between his eyebrows, his face was full of depression, and seemed to be upset by the quarrel, and said in a deep voice: "I didn't come here to argue with you uncles, I just asked everyone's opinions, we have to Do not recognize people back?"


"Definitely come back!"

"Acknowledge! There is no reason for the blood of the Ji family to be left outside."

Everyone is very unanimous.

"Okay, I got it." Ji Lingfeng's face softened a little, and he looked at everyone with deep eyes, and said slowly: "I will find a way to contact her again. Before she comes back, I hope everyone can keep this secret."

The people in the meeting room are all people who can get in touch with the core of Ji's family. They are different from Ji Ziyin and Ji Xiao, and they don't bother to mix with Ji Ziyin and Ji Xiao.

So as soon as Ji Lingfeng said this, everyone expressed their understanding and would not spread the fact that 'Qiao Nian is the direct blood of Ji's family living outside'.

After all, these people also knew in their hearts that this matter was of great importance. If they spread the news before Qiao Nian came back, it would only be their Ji family who would be ashamed.

Ji Lingfeng nodded and said no more.

He asked one of the old men to stay, and let the others go first.

After everyone left, Ji Lingfeng whispered to the old man who stayed behind: "Uncle Six, do you think you can make a special trip?"

Before, he always asked He Lin to contact Qiao Nian. Although He Lin was one of his right-hand men, he lacked some identity after all.

The sixth uncle left by Ji Lingfeng this time belongs to the direct line of the Ji family, and is of high seniority, and he is also a member of the punishment hall.

The old man knew what he meant when he left him behind. He pursed his lips, and with a serious expression on his old face, he nodded and said, "I see."

"I'm going to talk to her myself."

(End of this chapter)

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