Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1917 Sister Qiao, you don't care at all?

Chapter 1917 Sister Qiao, you don't care at all?
"Sister Qiao, you don't care about this at all?" Qin Si was originally full of dissatisfaction and complained for her.

Seeing that Qiao Nian was so calm now, the burning fire of anger in his chest actually cooled down, and it didn't make him so uncomfortable.

The girl got up and picked up the phone from the table, and gave him a clear and sharp look, casually and casually: "Well, I don't care."

Qin Si: ...

On the contrary, Bao Jingxing thought about it before Qin Si. His handsome eyebrows seemed to be filled with snow, he stretched out his hand and pushed down the frame of his glasses, and smiled at Qiao Nian: "Miss Qiao can figure it out best. In fact, it does make a difference which laboratory you enter. Big, the level 3 lab is not bad, and it's not completely without resources."

Compared to a level 3 laboratory, Qiao Nian was even worse in a level 1-2 laboratory.

Bao Jingxing is used to seeing things from the results.

Although the current result is unsatisfactory, it is not bad at the bottom.

They still have a chance to come back against the wind.

It depends on Qiao Nian's performance after entering the research institute.

Bao Jingxing looked at the uncontrollable wantonness around the girl again, and felt that his worries were unnecessary. Judging by the boss's daily operations, the first research institute might not be enough for her to play with!
"Why do you even say that?" Qin Si was slightly dissatisfied, and just protested.

Qiao Nian's cell phone rang.

She casually looked down at the caller ID, her dark eyes dimmed, and she said to the people in the living room, "I'm going back to my room first."

"Um, you went up so soon? Why don't we form a team and have a few games. I'll call Zhang Yang and the others..." Seeing the girl's ice sculpture-like side face, Qin Si thought Qiao Nian said He didn't care about his ease, but he still cared about being assigned to a level 3 laboratory, so he offered to play a black fight game together.

Qiao Nian didn't intend to play: "I still have something to do, you guys can play."

She said as she walked upstairs.

Ye Wangchuan looked at her figure going upstairs, his eyes flickered, and he said in a calm voice: "I'll get you a hot cup of milk later."

Qiao Nian seemed to be very busy, without looking back, she let out a lazily 'hmm'.

In a blink of an eye, it disappeared into the corridor on the second floor of the villa.

As soon as she left, Ye Wangchuan walked to the sofa and kicked Qin Si who occupied most of the sofa alone: ​​"Make room."

"Damn." Qin Si was lightly kicked by him, moved his buttocks depressed, and ran to the opposite side to sit with Bao Jingxing.

Bao Jingxing seemed to have a good temper on weekdays. He let him rub his seat, raised his eyelids with a smile, looked at Ye Wangchuan who was lazily nestling on the independent sofa, and pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose: "Master Wang Do you want to check the First Research Institute? See why Ms. Qiao was assigned to a level 3 laboratory."

"No need." Ye Wangchuan knew the situation inside the First Research Institute very well, and said in a calm tone: "It is not surprising that she was assigned to the third-level laboratory, and she guessed the result herself. The person in charge of the third-level laboratory is Her friend, it may not be a bad thing for her to be separated."

Bo Jingxing met Zhou Zhou once before, but he only knew that Zhou Zhou was from the First Research Institute, but he didn't know Zhou Zhou's identity in the First Research Institute.

He thought Qiao Nian's friends were just ordinary people in the institute.

Plus Zhou Zhou is still very young.

He didn't think about the person in charge of the laboratory.

Hearing Ye Wangchuan say that the person in charge of the level 3 laboratory is Qiao Nian's friend at this moment, he didn't know what to think, he was slightly taken aback, and frowned: "You said that person we met that day...?"

(End of this chapter)

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