Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1929 Afraid of Offending Ji Ziyin and the Ji Family Behind It

Chapter 1929 Afraid of Offending Ji Ziyin and the Ji Family Behind It
"Okay, everyone, stop what you're doing." The teacher who brought Qiao Nian in was a teacher from the research institute. Although he was not at the level of Zhou Zhou and the others in charge, he was still an old man in the research institute. new students.

She clapped her hands and made a sound, motioning for everyone in the large laboratory to look over.

See everyone looking at her.

She smiled and said, "A new member came to our institute today, and you must have heard of her name."

The old man from the research institute knew Zhou Zhou, and had a good relationship with Zhou Zhou on weekdays.

Zhou Zhou told her in private again, asking her to take care of her friend.

She smiled slightly, and waved to the girl beside her, gesturing for her to come over.

Qiao Nian pursed her lips, lowered her eyelids and walked towards her, standing still by her side, her whole body couldn't restrain her gangster air.

The teacher at the research institute nodded kindly to her, then turned her head and said to dozens of people in the large laboratory, "Let me introduce you."

She pointed at Qiao Nian, and introduced in a gentle manner: "This is the new member we recruited this time. Her name is Qiao Nian, a native of country Z, and she focuses on research on black powder... You probably know the results of her new recruitment assessment. I’ve also heard that he has good grades and is a talented person. Your new members usually form their own groups, and now which group is still lacking, you can come to dig treasures~”

There was a loud discussion in the large laboratory.

Everyone looked the girl up and down and whispered to each other.

The teacher who brought Qiao Nian in waited for them to discuss and discuss first, and then turned around and briefly explained to Qiao Nian the grouping system for newcomers in the institute.

What she said was similar to what Zhou Zhou said yesterday.

Qiao Nian nodded, very calm, no objection.

After a full 10 minutes, no one raised their hands.

The teacher was a little surprised, and said again: "Huh? None of you need team members? None of you send someone?"

There were discussions in the large laboratory, but no one raised their hands.

Qiao Nian's results in the new recruitment assessment this time were so outrageous that everyone in the research institute had heard of the name of the newcomer king this time.

At the same time, I heard something else.

For example, Qiao Nian came in from someone who crushed Ji's family, and Ji Hongfeng was the person Ji Ziyin really wanted to push into the research institute.

Therefore, Qiao Nian came in instead of Ji Hongfeng. Even though she passed the assessment based on her strength, no one worried that she would offend Ji Ziyin and the Ji family behind him...

The Ji family has a certain right to speak in the research institute.

No one wants to offend Ji Ziyin and the Ji family behind Ji Ziyin for a newcomer.

So when the teacher asked which group was short of people, none of the groups were willing to ask for people.

"You really have no shortage of people?" The teacher who brought Qiao Nian over was a little anxious, asked twice in a row, and then emphasized again: "Qiao Nian herself is amazingly talented, and one more person in our group will also have one more help. Is there no shortage of people?"

Still no one in the big lab expressed a lack of people.

It seemed that every group was well-staffed.

Even the teacher who brought Qiao Nian in didn't know how to deal with the current situation.

This... Talents are so severely excluded as soon as they come in, how will Qiao Nian live in the research institute in the future?

In the corner of the big lab.

On the other test benches, there are seven or eight people gathered together, only a few people occupy the entire test bench on the farthest test bench.

(End of this chapter)

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