Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1939 I went to find someone to clean up the 'garbage'

Chapter 1939 I went to find someone to clean up the 'garbage'

Seeing him, Ji Ziyin twitched her eyebrows slightly.

Since Cao Yanhua was present, it was difficult to ask him directly, so he picked up the mobile phone beside him and sent him a message.

'Ding. '

As soon as the man sat down in his seat, the phone vibrated.

He hurriedly took out his mobile phone to look, and found that it was Ji Ziyin who sent it, asking him where he was just now.

The corner of his mouth couldn't help but raised, with a hint of complacency, he first looked up at Ji Ziyin across the table, then lowered his head, edited the message with both hands and sent it.

"Are you ready for the December assessment? The December assessment is very important, and the time is coming soon."

Although Cao Yanhua is a member of the 8th-level laboratory, he also followed Gu Hengbo.

If you have to figure it out, he and Ji Ziyin are from the same family, and Ji Ziyin is his half-junior sister. This is why he, as a member of the 8th-level laboratory of the First Research Institute, would go out to eat with Ji Ziyin.

However, Cao Yanhua is an upright person and doesn't like to engage in clique formation.

When he came out this time, Ji Ziyin had made many appointments, and he couldn't refuse so he reluctantly came out for a meal.

"Well, I'm ready, and I'm confident that I'll win No.1 this time and the right to use the 8th-level laboratory next year." Ji Ziyin smiled slightly, looking very confident, then looked at Cao Yanhua, and asked: " Brother Cao, do you know a weapon predator in the illegal area?"

Cao Yanhua was slightly taken aback, and immediately asked her back: "Why are you asking this?"

Ji Ziyin explained with some embarrassment: "The experiment we are doing is missing a relatively rare and rare material. I heard that a weapon predator in the illegal area has this material. I just thought... I just want to know it and buy it. Some."

The materials in the Level 8 laboratory of the First Research Institute are all top-level rare materials, including rare earths.

These are dedicated channels.

As a member of the First Research Institute, Ji Ziyin has not been qualified to get in touch with these things, but she has heard some rumors.

That's why she asked Cao Yanhua, but she came across this line through Cao Yanhua.

But she obviously thought too much.

Cao Yanhua suppressed his simple and honest face, and said to her very seriously: "This is the secret of the laboratory. You are not from a level 8 laboratory. I can't tell you in private. When you enter the level 8 laboratory in the future talk later."

This is the rejection...

Ji Ziyin was somewhat impatient, forced a smile, and nodded: "The material..."

Cao Yanhua seemed honest and honest, and he was not a fool. He saw through what she wanted to say at a glance, and immediately said: "We have lost contact with that weapon predator for the past few days, and the other party temporarily withdrew the materials for the First Research Institute. Level 8 laboratories are in short supply of various materials, the previous inventory must be used by the instructors first, and the rest can be supplied to the major laboratories, so we don’t have much inventory..."

Ji Ziyin was only short of a rare material to carry out the experimental reactor. When she heard Cao Yanhua's words, she was disappointed and became more and more irritable and angry.

Take advantage of the serving time.

She took out her mobile phone and looked at the text message sent back to her by Yu Hai, one of their team members.

With just one glance, her attention was drawn to it.

[I just went out to find the head waiter of Guanhai Pavilion, I have a good relationship with her, and asked her to help us clean up the unsightly 'garbage'. 】

Ji Ziyin didn't understand the meaning of his words at first, but soon, she tasted the meaning behind the words.

(End of this chapter)

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