Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1948 Master Wang: God Qiao, congratulations

Chapter 1948 Master Wang: God Qiao, congratulations

Ji Ziyin just raised her eyebrows when she heard the words, as if she just remembered: "I remember that the research direction of the 10th group assessment this time is the same as ours?"

"Yeah." Yu Hai smiled, snorted and said: "They are imitating us, they are overconfident! Who doesn't know that the same research direction is the most taboo in the group assessment. Generally, the poorer side can get much lower scores than usual, They insisted on colliding with us, purely courting death."

"Don't say that." Ji Ziyin covered the emotions in her eyes and smiled, unable to tell whether she was joking or serious: "They have an extra rookie king this time, maybe they will surprise us."

"What surprise? Surprise is the last place again." A round face answered, she was the mean girl who said that the people in Group 10 were all rubbish.

Ji Ziyin didn't refute, nor was she angry, she brushed her hair with her hands, stopped paying attention to the situation in the laboratory, and said to the people around her: "I'll show our experimental results to my supervisor first, and see what he thinks. How. If he feels that there is something to be modified, we will work harder in the next few days and try to make this the best."

As soon as she opened her mouth, the others naturally echoed in various ways.

Ji Ziyin knew that these people wanted her to go to Gu Hengbo and ask her mentor to help check it out, but she also wanted to get good grades in the December group exam. Everyone had the same goal, and she didn't care about being a favor.

Before she left, she looked at the empty corridor again, thinking of the back of the girl and the people from the 10th group, she couldn't help but sneered.

Ji Ziyin shook her head and walked away without looking back.

She is bound to win the group assessment in December!

In a blink of an eye, it was the day before the group exam.

Qiao Nian did the last inspection with Shen Qingfeng and Xu Yi at 10 o'clock in the evening, after confirming that the results were correct.

She was really sleepy, said goodbye to Shen Qingfeng and Xu Yi, took her coat, and walked out of the gate of the First Research Institute.

In December, the weather in Independence Island is cold, and you can see light white smoke when you exhale.

It was close to 10 o'clock, and only the street lights were still on outside the First Research Institute. As soon as Qiao Nian came out, he saw a black off-road vehicle parked at the intersection.

The people in the car probably saw her.

The door is open.

Ye Wangchuan got off the car and walked towards her.

From a distance, Qiao Nian saw a person sitting on the co-pilot, probably Qin Si.

Before she could see clearly, a scarf was wrapped around her neck, tightly wrapping her exposed skin.

Then a cup of hot milk tea was stuffed into her hand.

The man covered her with the scarf in a clear voice and asked, "Is it cold?"

"It's okay." Seeing his eyes, Qiao Nian was in a daze for a moment, then closed his dark eyelashes, and murmured, "I'm done."


"I've finished that research." The girl said it again, seemingly casually.

Ye Wangchuan didn't understand what she meant for a while, but then realized that Qiao Nian was reporting the progress of this research to him, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, in a good mood, and walked back while holding her hand, with a low voice He chuckled lightly, with a slightly teasing tone: "God Qiao, congratulations."

Every time Qiao Nian heard him call her 'God Qiao', she became restless. She happened to get to the front of the car, and the co-pilot's window was rolled down, and it turned out that Qin Si was inside.

Qin Si was wrapped in a down jacket, revealing a handsome face.

Immediately said with a hippie smile: "I was going to go down to pick you up, but Master Wang ran faster than me, so I didn't have the nerve to bother you. Sister Qiao, I let you."


  Sister Nian: I'm done.

  Presumptuous Master: Huh?

  Sister Nian: I have finished the experiment.

  Master Wang was so happy, he said like a bunch of dogs: God Qiao, congratulations

  …It’s easy for such a dog to have no friends, especially girlfriends.

(End of this chapter)

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