Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1964 The Ji family is endless!

Chapter 1964 The Ji family is endless!
After a meal, he picked up a lot of food for Qiao Nian, but he didn't eat much himself, and even drank two glasses of white wine with Nan Tianyi.

Seeing his jade-like earlobe reddish, Qiao Nian put down her chopsticks, removed the wine glass in front of him without a trace, and asked the waiter to bring a cup of sober tea.

Then he said to Nan Tianyi: "Uncle Nan, you should drink less."

"I know." Seeing her meddling, Nan Tianyi couldn't help laughing, his thick eyebrows and tiger eyes were a little ironic.

He still wanted to tease the girl, but his wife slapped her thigh under the table and said angrily, "Why are you drinking again? I remember you said you quit drinking."

"Nian Nian got the first place in the test, am I not happy?"

Xie Tingyun was a little speechless: "Then why don't you just grab Xiaoye and drink?"

Nan Tian Yitian was not afraid of the earth, but his wife, so he immediately told Ye Wangchuan that he would stop drinking, and quickly confessed to her: "I won't drink, I won't drink."

Xie Tingyun glanced at him again, and it was over.

Just at this time, Qiao Nian got up, picked up the phone and said to the others, "I'm going to the bathroom."

Qin Si got carried away chatting with Ji Nan, and only then noticed her, and said bluntly: "Sister Qiao, do you want me to accompany you?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he reacted, and immediately covered his mouth: "Ahem, act as if I didn't say it, and be careful yourself."

Ye Wangchuan felt more at ease with her, and only softly told the girl: "Send me WeChat if you have anything to do."

"..." Qiao Nian just went to the bathroom. She didn't expect the two of them to react more strongly than the other, and she was a little convinced. However, she pulled back the chair and responded casually.

Then he greeted Xie Tingyun and went out first.

Outside the box.

Qiao Nian didn't go far.

She went to the bathroom, came out to wash her hands, and was about to go back.

Then on the way back, he was stopped by someone.

"Little Miss."

As soon as Qiao Nian heard the voice, she subconsciously frowned and stopped in her footsteps.

He Lin followed quickly and stopped in front of her.After getting along with her a few times, I got a clear understanding of the girl's character, and without any nonsense, said concisely: "Miss, the Sixth Elder is waiting for you in the box."

"not see."

Sure enough, the girl had no intention of meeting him, and was about to walk away from him.

He Lin opened his arms to stop her, and said anxiously: "Miss, you should meet the Sixth Elder, we have been with you for a day."

Qiao Nian paused, then turned to look at him, her eyes were extremely dark, as if a ferocious imprisoned beast was about to pounce from inside: "Are you following me?"

He Lin was suddenly frightened by her, but he had been with Ji Lingfeng for many years, and it wasn't for nothing.

After being absent-minded for a while, he quickly calmed down, but his heart was still trembling slightly, and He Lin didn't dare to look at Qiao Nian, so he lowered his head and said quickly, "Miss, don't get me wrong, we just have something to talk to you about." Let's talk, I don't mean to threaten you."

Oh, not threatening her.

They revealed that they had been following her.

This is not a threat?
What kind of?

Threatening her to meet?
The corners of Qiao Nian's mouth curved surlyly, and evil aura quickly spread from his pupils, his eyes were cold and dry...

If it weren't for the fact that Nan Tianyi and Xie Tingyun were still in the box not far away, she might have asked He Lin back on the spot.

It's just that she didn't plan to go back to Ji's house, and she didn't want to disturb Nan Tianyi and the others.

Qiao Nian took a deep breath, suppressed the depression in his chest, and raised his eyes coldly: "Where is he?"

(End of this chapter)

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