Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1974 Talking about the collapse completely, Ji Ziyin presented evidence

Chapter 1974 Talking about the collapse completely, Ji Ziyin presented evidence
Ji Hongyuan said doubt, but the expression on his face didn't look suspicious, but determined, almost seeing through everything.

Qiao Nian entered the No. [-] Research Institute because of Ji Qing!

No... She even came to Independent Continent to investigate Ji Qing's death!

Ji Hongyuan realized this, and he fully understood in his heart that the girl in front of him might really not return to Ji's house.

Qiao Nian didn't answer him, or she didn't think about answering him at all. She walked outside and casually said, "I'll let them in."

Looking at her back, Ji Hongyuan was very confused and his mind was in a mess. He didn't stop her, but only gave a final warning.

"Qiao Nian, now is your only chance. You still have time to turn around now. When someone comes in, you won't be able to turn back!"

"I never look back!"

After the girl finished speaking, she opened the door without looking back, and said to the people outside: "Come in, we're done talking."

Several pairs of eyes looked at her from outside.

Especially He Lin, look at Qiao Nian's reaction.

His heart couldn't help sinking, realizing that the conversation inside might have collapsed.

He walked in with the crowd with heavy steps.

Sure enough, as soon as I entered, I saw Ji Hongyuan sitting there with a livid face. He seemed to close his eyes, and then opened them again, with a look of indifference, and said in an old voice: "Everyone, it is not convenient for me to be an outsider. Participate, you follow the rules of the Institute."

From the moment Ji Ziyin went out, her heart was raised in the air, feeling inexplicably uneasy.

Hearing what Ji Hongyuan said at this moment, she quickly put her heart back, her face paled.

A pair of apricot eyes looked at the girl gracefully, stopped circling around, stepped out immediately, and said to everyone: "I have evidence to prove what I just mentioned!"

She walked up to the person in charge of the level 2 laboratory and asked very politely: "Excuse me, can I borrow the computer here?"

The person in charge of the level 2 laboratory was stunned for a moment, and immediately reacted, turning sideways to get out of the way: "Yes, you can use it."

Ji Ziyin took out the USB flash drive on her body, walked to the front of the computer, pulled out the chair and sat down, and inserted the USB flash drive with ease.

Zhou Zhou was the last one to come in. Seeing the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but sweat for Qiao Nian.

Taking advantage of everyone not paying attention, she approached the girl, lowered her voice, and whispered in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Sun, did you really use someone else's stuff?"

Qiao Nian lazily raised her eyelids and said concisely: "No."

"Then..." Zhou Zhou couldn't figure out what was going on for a while, so he just said a word.

"Okay." Ji Ziyin had already retrieved the files in the USB flash drive, raised her head, looked at the people in the room and said, "I just saw a post on this, which is exactly the same as the 'super algorithm' proposed by the 10th group. "

"Xu Yi from Team 10 said on the day of the assessment that this algorithm was proposed by Qiao Nian, so I was very surprised when I saw this post."

"What post?"

After she said that, the others gathered around her.

The person in charge of the level 2 laboratory saw the forum on Ji Ziyin's computer, and was already stunned: "The post on the forum you said is the WLA forum?"

Ji Ziyin didn't deny it, and smiled slightly: "I found that post on the WLA forum. The post was published four years ago. All the leaders of the laboratory can take a look to see if that post is related to the December assessment of the 10th team. similar to the 'super algorithm' proposed above."

(End of this chapter)

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