Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1982 Everyone in Research Institute 1 realizes that newcomers are not easy

Chapter 1982 Everyone in the First Research Institute realized that newcomers are not easy

She 'sincerely' apologized to all members of Team 10 and hoped they would not mind her reckless behavior.

This apology was like a thunderclap on the ground, and it became the talk of the First Research Institute all day, and almost all major laboratories were discussing this matter.

"Did you see Ji Ziyin's apology to the 10th team? I heard this morning that the head of the level 3 laboratory personally went to the office to find the new recruits who were recruited this year. The 10-team report and criticism, or the direct expulsion of the person, who knows the shocking reversal!"

"You mean the apology statement in the backstage? Tsk, I didn't expect Ji Ziyin to apologize. Did the Ji family ignore it?"

"Aren't the people in the 10th group a bunch of waste materials? I rub it, waste materials also have springs... Can anyone tell me what happened?"


The First Research Institute is full of people discussing this matter, and everyone is working hard in the laboratory on weekdays.

Occasionally there is news, and the discussion is not low.

What's more, the people involved in this incident are more interesting.

One is Ji Ziyin, who is known as the once-in-a-century genius of the Ji family, and is regarded as the proud daughter of the heavens.

One is a group of little guys who have no background or backstage, and who are at the end of the crane every month.

The result, however, is that the polarities are reversed.

Soon, smart people noticed the key person in this matter - Qiao Nian!
Qiao Nian is not from Independent Continent.

So her entry into the First Research Institute with record-breaking grades did not arouse the slightest ripple in the deep story of the Institute.

The discussion about the newly recruited newcomers this year is mainly mentioned among the directors of the institute and some newcomers.

Most people in the institute don't pay special attention to who comes in this year and what kind of person they are.

It wasn't until Ji Ziyin publicly apologized to the 10th group today that everyone noticed this year's newcomers after a thorough understanding.

This year's rookie is obviously not from Independent Continent, and has no identity background. The only background is the Nan family who recommended her to participate in the assessment...

The Nan family lived in seclusion for many years, and had no contacts in the First Research Institute for a long time.

Such a person...has shaken the forces of the Ji family headed by Ji Ziyin, and even coerced Ji Ziyin to publicly bow to her and the team members!
This is very interesting!
Some people in the institute also began to pay attention to the conflicts between several newcomer groups.

Among them, in the most mysterious office of the First Research Institute, a thin and wizened old man sat on a leather chair. When he was young, his black hair was like the first snow in winter, like the first frost in autumn, but his eyes were still amiable. : "You said that girl from Ji's family publicly apologized to a newcomer?"

"Yes." The person who answered his words was ten years younger than him, but he was not too young, probably in his early fifties.

The man was dressed in a pedantic manner, more rigid, taller and more energetic.

Seeing that the old man seemed very interested in this matter, he lowered his eyes and thought for a while, and then said a few more words: "I heard from Yan Hua that the newcomer has some strength, but it's a pity that he is not from our Independent Continent."

"Isn't she from Independent Continent?" Feng Yu became interested and even more curious.

His appearance is not outstanding, even when he was young, he should have just the appearance of an ordinary person, but his tanned face and short gray beard are particularly energetic, and his pair of deep-set eyes are particularly bright, revealing the charm of the years. Wisdom: "What's the name of the newcomer you mentioned?"

(End of this chapter)

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