Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2002 What a coincidence, I also have a little bit of money

Chapter 2002 What a coincidence, I also have a little bit of money
Every time she encounters that kind of upset, or dryness, and doesn't know how to explain it, she likes to pull her hat.

Ye Wangchuan also found out, and stopped in the middle of the conversation, and suddenly didn't want to know, smiled and said: "It's nothing, I just suddenly remembered and wanted to ask. You..."

He originally wanted to say that you have been tired all day, why don't you go up to take a shower and go to bed early.

Qiao Nian suddenly raised her head, looked at him with dark beautiful eyes, and said in a hoarse voice, "You can ask, there is nothing I can't tell you. It's just that sometimes I don't realize that things need to be done in advance." tell you."

Like her doing business in the illegal area.

She didn't think that selling diamonds was any different from the Chengfeng Group she and Yuan Yongqin cooperated in Beijing. In Qiao Nian's eyes, these were all business.

It's just that the place of business is different.

One is in the country and the other is in the illegal area.

"I still have a lot of diamonds, but I don't like to use them very much. If you like them, I can give you some."

The pink diamond the size of a pigeon egg that Qin Si gave her earlier was still on the table, and the value of one diamond was hundreds of millions.

Even if it is placed on the independent continent with a lot of money, it is enough to attract attention.

Qiao Nian didn't take these things seriously, she raised her head slightly to look at him with a careless expression, and asked, "What color do you like?"

Ye Wangchuan originally wanted to talk to her, but in fact he just asked her if she was a diamond boss, because he had been investigating this diamond dealer in the illegal area for a long time.

The identity background of the other party has not been found out.

He had already vaguely guessed whether the diamond merchant in the illegal area was Qiao Nian, and up to this moment, he was completely sure that the diamond boss in the illegal area was the person in front of him.

It was as if a stone had been thrown into Ye Wangchuan's heart, and ripples suddenly appeared, that kind of ingenious fate, which was coincidental but not a coincidence, was like a drum beating on the door of his heart, fast and dense.

He suddenly didn't want to ask anything, just raised his thin lips and looked at her with burning eyes: "White."

"White?" Qiao Nian was startled for a moment, thought for a while, and just raised her head to look at him: "You..."

Ye Wangchuan just smiled, and said slyly: "I like the kind of diamond you put on my finger, it doesn't matter what color it is."

Qiao Nian was speechless.

What the hell... She wasn't ready either!

Ye Wangchuan just talked about it, and then asked her: "You have completely torn face with Ji's family today, and you really don't plan to go back in the future?"

When mentioning Ji's family and some members of Ji's family, Qiao Nian's eyes darkened, suppressed the surly look in his eyes, took a deep breath, picked up a powder drill the size of a pigeon egg and played with it in his hand, and said expressionlessly: "You Didn’t you ask me this question before? I haven’t changed my mind, it’s still the same as before.”

She told Ye Wangchuan before that she never planned to return to Ji's family, and it was just Ji's wishful thinking to recognize her ancestors and return to her family.

She never wanted to stand on anyone's shoulders and climb up. If she wanted to go up, she could go up by herself without relying on anyone's strength!

Qiao Nian was briefly upset about Ji's family, but after a while, she forgot about Ji's family and Ji Hongyuan.

Turning to think of another thing, he took out his mobile phone: "By the way, the money from the underground auction..."

What she was talking about was the one billion that Ye Fanchuan gave her.

"No need." Ye Wangchuan wore a long windbreaker, which made him tall. He walked up to the girl, covered her phone, and prevented her from transferring money. Charming and low-alcohol: "What a coincidence. Money, I also have billions!"

(End of this chapter)

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