Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2014 I don't want to have dinner with Qiao Nian

Chapter 2014 I Don't Want To Eat With Qiao Nian

After he explained something, several members of the 8th-level laboratory remembered the name of this year's rookie king, and they all showed expressions of sudden understanding.

Han Cheng turned his head and asked his friend softly: "Didn't you say that you invited them to have dinner with us at night? Why didn't they come later?"

Cao Yanhua had already withdrawn his gaze at this moment, and touched his nose in embarrassment: "Ah, they both have something to do."


Han Cheng didn't expect that it was the newcomers in Group 10 who rejected Cao Yanhua's invitation!
When he came over at night, he didn't see a few newcomers, so he thought it was because Cao Yanhua changed his mind temporarily and didn't invite them to have dinner together.

Unexpectedly, several newcomers rejected them.

Cao Yanhua knew why Qiao Nian refused to come, and he was quite embarrassed, so he explained: "She said she has made an appointment, but I didn't expect that the friend she made an appointment with is also in Guanhai Pavilion."

He really didn't expect such a coincidence to run into Qiao Nian again at the dining place.

At this moment, Han Cheng seemed to have regained his composure, so he smiled and asked him in a friendly manner, "Then do you want to ask her later to see if she can come and have dinner with us?"

"This...isn't it convenient?" Cao Yanhua was a little moved, after all, he had overdone it during the day: "She still has friends together..."

Han Cheng didn't think it was a big deal: "It's just one more person eating, it just happens that there are more lively people."

Cao Yanhua hesitated.

Xie Xinyao had been listening to the conversation between the two, and when she heard this, she showed displeasure on her face, frowned, and said, "You guys care so much about what a newcomer does. Brother Cao invited her, but she didn't want to come, and It's not that no one wants her to come. She doesn't want to accept this invitation, so why should we rush to find her!"

"Our level 8 lab didn't ask for her! Besides, they were here to visit the lab. We don't have time to accompany them, so what's the matter with being left out in the cold? With such a temper, who wants to support her?"

Cao Yanhua frowned instantly, and explained for Qiao Nian: "I don't think she meant that, and besides, they've all come here, it's not right for us to let them hang around all day..."

"There's nothing right or wrong." Xie Xinyao said indifferently: "They are not from our level 8 laboratory. Since she doesn't want to eat with us, I don't want to eat with her either."

She made it clear that she would not have dinner with Qiao Nian.

It's hard to say that Cao Yanhua is caught in the middle and she must cooperate, so he can only shake his head helplessly: "You don't have to react so much, I didn't say to find her."

"Anyway, it's not convenient for her today, let's talk about it next time."


Xie Xinyao twitched her brows and eyes, feeling a little unhappy.

However, Cao Yanhua's qualifications in the 8th-level laboratory are higher than hers, and she is also the team leader. Even if she has the Xie family of the three major families behind her, she can't be too aggressive.

Xie Xinyao looked at the place where the girl's back disappeared, feeling unhappy.

She had already figured it out, if Cao Yanhua wanted to arrange a plan for them to have dinner with that group of newcomers later on.

She will definitely not come.

Xie Xinyao withdrew her gaze and said indifferently: "Let's talk about it later."

Cao Yanhua knew from her attitude that she had a bad feeling for Qiao Nian, and he couldn't say anything, so he could only tell Han Cheng and the others, "Let's go there first."

He booked a small box.

The location of Guanhai Pavilion is not easy to decide, this time he also booked the location temporarily through his relationship.The box is not big, but it is a lucky thing to be able to temporarily book a seat in Guanhai Pavilion.

(End of this chapter)

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