Chapter 2023 Xu Yi is gone

Ye Wangchuan was more open-minded: "You are not going through the back door, since the other party invited you, there must be a reason for inviting you."

She remembered how she was treated during the day, her eyes were a little gloomy, and she frowned: "Let's see again! If it really doesn't work, I'll tell him again."

She never thought that the level 8 laboratory was so exclusive before, even if they were all from the first research institute, as long as they were not an official member of the level 8 laboratory, they would not give them the opportunity to learn more about the laboratory.

She still has to trace the events of 20 years ago, and she must integrate into a level 8 laboratory to trace the past, so she must find a way to enter the laboratory.

Qin Si couldn't hear it there, but it was somewhat obvious that Master Wang knew that Sister Qiao knew the identity of that 'netizen'.

He interjected: "So sister Qiao's 'netizen' is also a member of the First Research Institute? Why do I think she started a group in Independence Island? The same is true of Ji Nan before, and there will be a week later... Sister Qiao, did you build the Independent Continent Small Group?"

This is the independent continent!
Qiao Nian used to have many friends in Beijing who did not know where they came from, but when he came to Independent Island, there were also "netizens" from all walks of life.

He is not convinced.

Is this the difference between Daxie's QQ and his QQ?

So annoying.

With his interruption, Qiao Nian relaxed, and looked a little lazy, like he didn't bother to lift his eyelids: "No. The one you mentioned, they are not in the same group."

Ji Nan and Feng Yu...

Qiao Nian thought about it again, and added: "Well, it should be said that he is not from the same road."

Ji Nan is a friend she added when she was trading in stocks.

Feng Yu is a friend in the black mandala group.

The two parties should not know each other.

She kindly explained to Qin Si, and directly explained to Qin Si that he was autistic: "...So boss, how many groups do you have?"

Qiao Nian looked at him through the rearview mirror, gathered the scarf around his neck, and replied lazily: "Just one or two, it should be gone."

should = not sure.

Not sure = there are still netizens.

Qin Si was completely convinced, and simply shut his mouth tightly, not to take the humiliation on himself.

God knows that before Young Master Qin came to Independence Continent, he still thought that his small circle in Beijing was already very coquettish. After he came to Independence Continent, he realized that he was just a small brawler. There was no sound at all beside him!
Whoops, slap in the face.

Because Qiao Nian was still not sure whether to rely on Feng Yu's relationship to enter the level 8 laboratory, she still reported to the institute on time the next day.

Who knew that as soon as she arrived outside the level 8 laboratory, Xue Zhu rushed to meet her: "Qiao Nian, has Xu Yi contacted you?"

The registration time of the first research institute is relatively early, arriving at 08:30 in the morning, and she usually needs to get up at [-] o'clock.

During this period of time, Qiao Nian didn't sleep well, and she still had uncontrollable gloom in her eyes, and she looked unhappy.

When she heard Xue Zhu suddenly ask Xu Yi, she was stunned: "What's wrong with Xu Yi?"

Xue Zhu was really anxious, and spoke very fast, pouring out like beans: "Xu Yi usually arrives at the small laboratory at 6 o'clock, I didn't see him when I came here this morning, I thought he rarely overslept once."

"Who knows that he hasn't come after eight o'clock. I called him with Brother Shen, but we couldn't get through to him, and his phone was turned off."

(End of this chapter)

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