Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2030 Sister Nian: I will give you 1 minute to leave

Chapter 2030 Sister Nian: I will give you 1 minute to leave

Ji Xiao was beating in his heart, but after all, a side branch could flourish in Ji's family, and he wasn't frightened. He immediately suppressed his doubts and said coldly, "You take less money." The First Institute scares me!"

"I'm good friends with his father, but I just invited him over for a chat. The First Research Institute is not in charge of housekeeping."

Qiao Nian took out her mobile phone, waved it in front of his eyes, bent her legs lazily, and said, "You can try it."

"..." The expression on Ji Xiao's face became unpredictable. He stared at the girl with a pair of hanging three white eyes, as if he wanted to see if the girl really had the ability to get the First Research Institute to come forward, or he was just bluffing here.

But Qiao Nian was wearing a peaked cap with the brim pressed down extremely low, and the corners of her mouth were raised casually, exuding a calm and unruly attitude.

That posture is confusing.

In addition, she found the Intercontinental Hotel again, clearly knowing which room Xu Yi was in.

This level of positioning skills, Ji Xiao does not believe that she is not independent, a girl with no background can do it, there must be someone behind her to help!
However, since he brought the person here yesterday, he still hasn't achieved his goal, so he is inevitably unwilling. He stared at the girl with poisonous snake-like eyes, and he still hesitated.

Qiao Nian seemed to see through his reluctance and hesitation, lowered her eyelashes, and said lazily: "The Ji family doesn't know that you took Xu Yi away in private, right?"

As one of the three major families in the Independent Continent, the Ji family has become more and more powerful in recent years. It has long crushed the other two major families and become a unique existence in the Independent Continent.

She has met Ji Hongyuan and He Lin, both of them seem restrained and low-key on the surface, but they are extremely arrogant in their bones.

They look down on everyone other than Ji's family, even some members of Ji's family, they don't pay attention to them.This kind of person is someone who disdains to take action against a newcomer from the first research institute.

Only people like Ji Xiao and Ji Ziyin would find Xu Yi to do things like this.

So she bet that Ji's family didn't know about Ji Xiao's private actions.

Sure enough, as soon as she finished speaking, the expression on the middle-aged man's face suddenly changed, and he looked over vigilantly. He didn't speak, but his eyes revealed a terrifying murderous look, clearly intending to kill.

It's just that Qiao Nian didn't even pay attention to Ji Hongyuan, so how could he pay attention to him? Seeing the murderous look in his eyes, she just said lightly: "I'll give you 1 minute, if you don't leave within 1 minute, , I will let people from Ji’s family and the First Research Institute come here at the same time.”

Ji Xiao was startled and annoyed, his eyes were so fierce that he wanted to swallow her up, but he really couldn't figure out how the girl in front of him had the courage to yell at him like that.

While he was hesitating, the girl had already turned on the stopwatch on the phone and started counting: "The 1-minute timer starts."

Shen Qingfeng watched in horror, every second was extremely long, he was especially afraid that Qiao Nian would completely anger Ji Xiao.

Ji Xiao is from Ji's family, Qiao Nian provoked him, the consequences would be disastrous.

However, unexpectedly, Ji Xiao took a deep breath, seemed to suppress his anger, and said: "You wait for me!"

Then he turned his head, and the tiger eyes couldn't hold back his anger, and said to the people around him: "Let's go!"

Shen Qingfeng saw with his own eyes that the Ji family, who had always been domineering, quickly left the corridor and left by elevator.

He breathed a sigh of relief, his back was already wet with cold sweat.

His voice was dry and hoarse for a while: "Joe, Qiao Nian."

(End of this chapter)

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