Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2040 You Said You Offended Ji's Family

Chapter 2040 You Said You Offended Ji's Family

After a long time.

Xue Zhu went to the lounge next door, sat down and played a game of mobile games.

There was movement in the group.

She quit the game in a hurry, and quickly opened the group message.

Xu Yi returned to her.

The usual cold talk is rare.

[Xu: I'm fine.I will not go in the afternoon. I will take my mother to the hospital for a look. She was a little frightened. ]
Xue Zhu looked at it for a long time, but still didn't know how this matter involved Xu Yi's mother again.

Could it be that the person who kidnapped Xu Yi also kidnapped his mother?
Isn't this too immoral? !

He couldn't find out why in the group, so Xue Zhu simply called Shen Qingfeng to ask.

She briefly talked about what happened in the level 8 laboratory in the morning, then asked about Shen Qingfeng and Xu Yi's situation, and asked who did it by the way.

Shen Qingfeng told her in detail before.

When mentioning who did it.

Shen Qingfeng was obviously apprehensive, and simply said: "You better not ask, anyway, Qiao Nian has already settled the matter, and Xu Yi is fine."

Xue Zhu didn't have time to ask.

Shen Qingfeng returned to his usual gentle manner: "You take a leave of absence for Qiao Nian in the afternoon, I guess she won't come."

Although Xue Zhu was very curious, she was not the kind of character who insisted on asking the bottom line. Hearing this, she readily responded, "Okay, I'll go and tell Senior Brother Cao and the others."

Speaking of this, she thought about it again, and said regretfully: "I think Brother Cao values ​​Qiao Nian, but unfortunately she has no background in the First Research Institute, and she is not from Independent Continent. Hey, otherwise she can go further with her strength .”

What Xue Zhu said was also what Shen Qingfeng thought in his heart before. He felt that Qiao Nian was good in all aspects, but lacked a little background.

But now Shen Qingfeng has no such thoughts.

He only replied meaningfully to Xue Zhu: "It's not that she has no background, what if she... just keeps a low profile."

When Xue Zhu said that Monk Zhang Er hadn't figured it out, Shen Qingfeng had already changed the topic: "You can ask her for leave in the afternoon, and I will ask her later if she will come tomorrow."

Xue Zhu's personality is more straightforward, and he doesn't like to delve into the details, so he didn't ask him what he meant by that sentence: "Okay, I understand."

Shen family.

Shen Qingfeng hung up her phone and returned to the living room.

Although the Shen family is only a small family in Independent Continent.

But the families that can gain a foothold in Independent Island are not at the level of rotten fish and shrimps, so the Shen family also has a four-story villa.

At this moment, the Shen family gathered together.

Shen's father, Shen's mother and Mrs. Shen were all there. Besides, even a small family like the Shen family had its own side branches.

Relatives in sevens and eights occupied the sofa in the living room, almost filling the sofa, and some juniors could only stand by, without even a place to sit.

Everyone saw Shen Qingfeng coming back after making the phone call, Father Shen spoke first, and said to his son: "You told us to go to the Intercontinental Hotel to mess with Ji's family, what happened next?"

The Shen family is just a small family, and there are countless families like them in Independent Continent. Of course, they are not the kind of vulnerable existence.

It's just that in places like Independent Continent where super big families exist, they are like ants in front of families like Ji's, Xie's, and Nan's, who can easily crush them to death.

That's why Mrs. Shen and Father Shen made such a big fight when they received news from Shen Qingfeng. They were all afraid that provoking last Ji's family would lead to the destruction of the entire family.

Everyone in the Shen family was watching Shen Qingfeng, waiting for his answer.

(End of this chapter)

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